【解決方法】この C# コードを Python に変換するにはどうすればよいですか?


//C# for solving inverse interpolation
using System;
class GFG


// Consider a structure to keep

// each pair of x and y together

class Data


public double x, y;

public Data(double x, double y)


this.x = x;

this.y = y;



// Function to calculate the

// inverse interpolation

static double inv_interpolate(Data []d,

int n, double y)


// Initialize readonly x

double x = 0;

int i, j;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


// Calculate each term

// of the given formula

double xi = d[i].x;

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)


if (j != i)


xi = xi * (y - d[j].y) /

(d[i].y - d[j].y);



// Add term to readonly result

x += xi;


return x;


// Driver Code

public static void Main(string[] args)


// Sample dataset of 4 points

// Here we find the value

// of x when y = 4.5

Data []d = {new Data(1.27, 2.3),

new Data(2.25, 2.95),

new Data(2.5, 3.5),

new Data(3.6, 5.1)};

// Size of dataset

int n = 4;

// Sample y value

double y = 4.5;

// Using the Inverse Interpolation

// function to find the

// value of x when y = 4.5

Console.Write("Value of x at y = 4.5 : {0:f5}");
Console.Write(inv_interpolate(d, n, y));




//C# for solving inverse interpolation
using System;
class GFG


// Consider a structure to keep

// each pair of x and y together

class Data


public double x, y;

public Data(double x, double y)


this.x = x;

this.y = y;



// Function to calculate the

// inverse interpolation

static double inv_interpolate(Data []d,

int n, double y)


// Initialize readonly x

double x = 0;

int i, j;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


// Calculate each term

// of the given formula

double xi = d[i].x;

for (j = 0; j < n; j++)


if (j != i)


xi = xi * (y - d[j].y) /

(d[i].y - d[j].y);



// Add term to readonly result

x += xi;


return x;


// Driver Code

public static void Main(string[] args)


// Sample dataset of 4 points

// Here we find the value

// of x when y = 4.5

Data []d = {new Data(1.27, 2.3),

new Data(2.25, 2.95),

new Data(2.5, 3.5),

new Data(3.6, 5.1)};

// Size of dataset

int n = 4;

// Sample y value

double y = 4.5;

// Using the Inverse Interpolation

// function to find the

// value of x when y = 4.5

Console.Write("Value of x at y = 4.5 : {0:f5}");
Console.Write(inv_interpolate(d, n, y));



解決策 2

良い出発点は次のとおりです。 Python クラス[^].

解決策 1

Convert C# to Python – 無料のコード変換ツール – developer Fusion[^]

