アクティブなドキュメントが OneDrive フォルダーの一部である場合、ドキュメントがローカルに保存されている場合でも、戻り値は URL になります。
私が探しているのは、OneDrive と同期されているかどうかに関係なく、アクティブなドキュメントのローカル パスを取得する解決策です。 したがって、取得する代わりに
“c:\users\my username\OneDrive\myfolder\myfile.docx”
VARIANT result; VariantInit(&result); m_hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, m_pActiveDocument, (LPOLESTR)L"Path", 0);
解決策 1
OLECHAR* OfficeAutomation::GetActiveDocPath() { VARIANT result; VariantInit(&result); m_hr = OLEMethod(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, m_pActiveDocument, (LPOLESTR)L"Path", 0); if (FAILED(m_hr)) return nullptr; BSTR url = result.bstrVal; // Check if the URL contains "https://", indicating it's a OneDrive URL if (wcsstr(url, L"https://") != nullptr) { // Get the current user account name wchar_t userName[UNLEN + 1]; DWORD userNameSize = UNLEN + 1; GetUserNameW(userName, &userNameSize); // Check if the URL is a subfolder under the root OneDrive folder const wchar_t* rootFolder = L"https://d.docs.live.net/"; const size_t rootFolderLen = wcslen(rootFolder); if (wcsstr(url, rootFolder) == url) { // Find the position of the first slash after the root folder const wchar_t* slash = wcschr(url + rootFolderLen, L'/'); if (slash != nullptr) { // Find the position of the last slash to determine the folder path const wchar_t* lastSlash = wcsrchr(slash, L'/'); if (lastSlash != nullptr) { // Extract the folder path and calculate its length const wchar_t* folderPath = slash + 1; size_t folderPathLen = lastSlash - folderPath; // Calculate the required buffer size for the local path size_t localPathSize = MAX_PATH + wcslen(userName) + folderPathLen + 11; // 11 for "\\OneDrive\\" // Allocate memory for the local path wchar_t* localPath = new wchar_t[localPathSize]; wcscpy(localPath, L"C:\\Users\\"); wcscat(localPath, userName); wcscat(localPath, L"\\OneDrive\\"); wcsncat(localPath, folderPath, folderPathLen); // Replace forward slashes with backslashes in the local path wchar_t* backslash = wcschr(localPath, L'/'); while (backslash != nullptr) { *backslash = L'\\'; backslash = wcschr(backslash + 1, L'/'); } // Convert the local path to BSTR BSTR resultPath = SysAllocString(localPath); // Clean up memory delete[] localPath; return resultPath; } } } } return url; }