Good, I'm trying to sum the values of a column, while inputting it. Since I put a code in the entry and check if it exists and put it in columns in treeview, and I would like to add only the "price" values, but I can't do it, I get the data from the price column, but I can't get if This 5.99 I have entered another 5.99 add up and give me a total, as I add a price. What I can be doing wrong? or what I have wrong Any additional information would be appreciated.
def Cesta(self): self.conex() self.b_codigo = self.s_Codigo.get() self.sql3 = "SELECT * FROM productos WHERE codigo = %s" self.mycursor.execute(self.sql3,[(self.b_codigo)]) self.r_codigo = self.mycursor.fetchall() self.row3 = [item['nombre'] for item in self.r_codigo] if self.s_Codigo.get() == "": MessageBox.showinfo("ERROR", "DEBES INTRODUCIR DATOS", icon="error") elif self.r_codigo: for self.x2 in self.r_codigo: print (self.x2["nombre"], self.x2["talla"], self.x2["precio"]+"€") self.tree.insert('', 'end', text=self.x2["nombre"], values=(self.x2["talla"],self.x2["precio"]+" €")) print(self.x2["fecha"]) for self.item in self.tree.get_children(): self.celda = self.tree.set(self.item,"col2") self.resultado += self.celda print(self.resultado) else: MessageBox.showinfo("ERROR", "EL CODIGO INTRODUCIDO NO ES CORRECTO", icon="error") self.clear_entry()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/tkinter/__init__.py", line 1921, in __call__ return self.func(*args) File "/Users/tomas/Downloads/PROYECTO/main.py", line 205, in Cesta self.resultado += self.celda AttributeError: 'Aplicacion' object has no attribute 'resultado'
these are the columns: <pre lang="Python">self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self.pagina1,columns=("col1","col2"), height=50) self.tree.grid(column=0, row=2, padx=50, pady=100) ### COLUMNAS ### self.tree.column("#0",width=250) self.tree.column("col1",width=150, anchor=CENTER) self.tree.column("col2",width=150, anchor=CENTER) ### NOMBRES COLUMNAS ### self.tree.heading("#0", text="Articulo", anchor=CENTER) self.tree.heading("col1", text="Talla", anchor=CENTER) self.tree.heading("col2", text="Precio", anchor=CENTER)
or self.item in self.tree.get_children(): self.celda = self.tree.set(self.item,"col2") self.resultado += self.celda print(self.resultado)
What am I doing wrong, to be able to add the values of the prices column every time I insert a new product?
解決策 1
を定義していません resultado
どこでも可変。 したがって、クラスの先頭に次の行を追加します。
self.resultado = 0
注: クラスの他のメソッドでその変数を再初期化する必要がある場合があるため、ロジック フローを確認する必要があります。
解決策 2
Hello, I have already managed to solve the error, the new price is already added to the old one, thanks for making me reflect on it.
for self.x2 in self.r_codigo: print (self.x2["nombre"], self.x2["talla"], self.x2["precio"]+"€") self.tree.insert('', 'end', text=self.x2["nombre"], values=(self.x2["talla"],self.x2["precio"])) self.total = 0 for self.item in self.tree.get_children(): self.celda = float(self.tree.set(self.item,"col2")) self.total+=self.celda print(self.total)