ユーザーからデータフレームの列名を取得し、その列の空の値をユーザーが指定した値で埋める関数があります。 Google Colab でコードを実行しましたが、正常に動作しています。 しかし、API を介して空の辞書を返しています。 コードを確認して、エラーの場所をお知らせください。
def fill_num_random_fun(df, col_inputs): col_name=col_inputs[0] col_value=col_inputs[1] df[col_name]=df[col_name].fillna(value=col_value, inplace=True) #print("this is col_name",col_name) #print("this is col_value",col_value) #print("this is col_inputs",col_inputs) result_dict = df.to_dict(orient='records') for record in result_dict: for key, value in record.items(): if isinstance(value, float): record[key] = str(value) return result_dict def cleaning_and_analysis(csv_filepath, operation=None, raw_data=None): csv_dataframe = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath) result={} if raw_data is not None and isinstance(raw_data, list): if operation == 'fillWithDesiredValue': fill_with_desired_input = raw_data result10 = fill_num_random_fun(csv_dataframe, fill_with_desired_input) #print(result10) if not result: result[operation] = [({fill_with_desired_input: result10})] else: result[operation].append({fill_with_desired_input: result10})
高速 API
import json from typing import Union from typing import Optional import uvicorn import re from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel from Data_Cleaning import cleaning_and_analysis from typing import Any, Optional app = FastAPI() class Item(BaseModel): filepath: str operation: Optional[str] = None operand: Optional[list] = None @app.post("/replacement_route") async def data_cleaning(item: Item): filepath = item.filepath operation_name = item.operation operands = item.operand cleaned_data = {} # initialize cleaned_data to an empty dictionary if len(operands) >=1: for operand in operands: if isinstance(operand, dict): # check if 'operand is a dictionary' for operation_name,operand_values in operand.items(): #print(operation_name) #print(operand_values) cleaned_data.update(cleaning_and_analysis(filepath, operation=operation_name, raw_data=operand_values)) return cleaned_data if __name__ == "__main__": uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000)
{ "filepath": "C:/kidney_disease.csv", "operand": [{"fillWithDesiredValue": ["sod",999]}] }
result[operation] = [({fill_with_desired_input: result10})] TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
Postman メッセージ: 内部サーバー エラー
print(operation_name) => fillWithDesiredValue print(operand_values) => ['sod', 999]
print("this is col_name",col_name) => this is col_name sod print("this is col_value",col_value) => this is col_value 999 print("this is col_inputs",col_inputs) => this is col_inputs ['sod', 999] print(result10) ==> [{'id': 0, 'age': '48.0', 'bp': '80.0', 'sg': '1.02', 'al': '1.0', 'su': '0.0', 'rbc': 'nan', 'pc': 'normal', 'pcc': 'notpresent', 'ba': 'notpresent', 'bgr': '121.0', 'bu': '36.0', 'sc': '1.2', 'sod': None, 'pot': 'nan', 'hemo': '15.4', 'pcv': '44', 'wc': '7800', 'rc': '5.2', 'htn': 'yes', 'dm': 'yes', 'cad': 'no', 'appet': 'good', 'pe': 'no', 'ane': 'no', 'classification': 'ckd'}, {'id': 1, 'age': '7.0', 'bp': '50.0', 'sg': '1.02', 'al': '4.0', 'su': '0.0', 'rbc': 'nan', 'pc': 'normal', 'pcc': 'notpresent', 'ba': 'notpresent', 'bgr': 'nan', 'bu': '18.0', 'sc': '0.8', 'sod': None, 'pot': 'nan', 'hemo': '11.3', 'pcv': '38', 'wc': '6000', 'rc': 'nan', 'htn': 'no', 'dm': 'no', 'cad': 'no', 'appet': 'good', 'pe': 'no', 'ane': 'no', 'classification': 'ckd'}, {'id': 2, 'age': '62.0', 'bp': '80.0', 'sg': '1.01', 'al': '2.0', 'su': '3.0', 'rbc': 'normal', 'pc': 'normal', 'pcc': 'notpresent', 'ba': 'notpresent', 'bgr': '423.0', 'bu': '53.0', 'sc': '1.8', 'sod': None, 'pot': 'nan', 'hemo': '9.6', 'pcv': '31', 'wc': '7500', 'rc': 'nan', 'htn': 'no', 'dm': 'yes', 'cad': 'no', 'appet': 'poor', 'pe': 'no', 'ane': 'yes', 'classification': 'ckd'}..........]
ディクショナリ アイテムは適切にキャプチャされています。 これらが Postman によってキャプチャされないのはなぜですか? タプルの変換が間違っていましたか?