
ユーザーが指定した変数に応じて、円の面積、長さ、半径、または直径を見つけるプログラムを作成しています。 また、ユーザーが指定した小数点以下の桁数に数値を丸めます (必要な場合)。
問題: 34 行目で、これを「小数点以下または最も近い X」という出力にする必要があります。X は、ユーザーが最初の関数で選択した mm/cm/dm/m/km です。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void whatmeasure () {             /* a function to determine what units of measurment are being used*/
      string measure;
    cout << "mm = millimeters \n"   //answer options
    << "cm = centimeters\n"
    << "dm = decimeters\n"
    << "m = meters\n"
    << "km = kilometers\n"
    << "Your value is in: " ;     //the question 
    cin>> measure;                

void whatfind () {                            /*a function determining what the user wants to find*/
    char find;
    cout << endl << "r = radius of the circle\n" // answer options
    << "d = diameter of the circle\n"
    << "a = area of the circle\n"
    << "l = kreisumfang\n"
    << "You need to find: ";              // the question 
    cin >> find;                          


void howround () {                                /* the beginning of the function that detrmines if the answer needs rounding, and if yes, how.*/
     string answerneedround;
     cout << "Do you want to round the answer? (yes/no)\n";
     cin >> answerneedround;
     if (answerneedround == "yes") {
         cout << "To decimal places or nearest " <<measure; //THE PlACE OF DOUBT

int main() {
    whatmeasure ();
    howround ();

    return 0;



if (answerneedround == "yes") {
        cout << "To decimal places or nearest " << measure;

私が試したことが受け入れられないのはなぜですか? 7行目で「メジャー」を定義しました! 私は何をすべきか?

解決策 1


それで whatmeasure 文字列を返します(または、より良いのは、 enum 値であるため、常に有効な測定値です)。
whatfind char(または別の列挙値)を返します
howround からの戻り値を取ります whatmeasure 列挙型も返します。



解決策 2

変数 measure で定義され、存在するだけです。 whatmeasure 関数。 そして同じ findwhatfind. そのため、値を返すように関数を変更し、変更する必要があります main 関連する値を関数に渡します。 次のようなもの:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

string whatmeasure () {             /* a function to determine what units of measurment are being used*/
      string measure;
    cout << "mm = millimeters \n"   //answer options
    << "cm = centimeters\n"
    << "dm = decimeters\n"
    << "m = meters\n"
    << "km = kilometers\n"
    << "Your value is in: " ;     //the question 
    cin>> measure;                
    return measure; // *** pass the value back to the caller

string whatfind () {                            /*a function determining what the user wants to find*/
    char find;
    cout << endl << "r = radius of the circle\n" // answer options
    << "d = diameter of the circle\n"
    << "a = area of the circle\n"
    << "l = kreisumfang\n"
    << "You need to find: ";              // the question 
    cin >> find;                          
    return find; // *** return the unit type

string howround (string measure) {                                /* the beginning of the function that detrmines if the answer needs rounding, and if yes, how.*/
     string answerneedround;
     cout << "Do you want to round the answer? (yes/no)\n";
     cin >> answerneedround;
     if (answerneedround == "yes") {
         cout << "To decimal places or nearest " <<measure; //THE PlACE OF DOUBT
// you need to get the unit of rounding here

    return rounding; // *** return rounding value

int main() {
    string measurement = whatmeasure ();
    string tofind = whatfind();
    string roundingunit = howround (measurement);
// here you need to add the code to do the calculations

    return 0;

