
Good morning, does anyone know how to do it? artificial intelligence press a key on my keyboard when there is a specific icon or image in a certain program and that it can also repeat it in a loop and add multiple icons (image) as an example: when I see icon 1 I press x, if I see icon 2 I press a, if I see icon 3 I press f IMPORTANT DETAIL that artificial intelligence does everything step by step example: I see icon 1 I press x, I see icon 2 I press a, it should be like this The information of keys pressed must be given with their respective icon to avoid confusion (I see icon 1 I press x at the same time) # so it should not be one step at a time (I see icon 2 I press) I am going to upload a video of how I want the icons to be pressed by highlighting in the video with the word icon [Video example]


What I wanted you to help me with is a code that detects the icons that appear in this video highlighted with the word icon


and that whenever you see them press the ai keys on the keyboard in qwerty order or an order specified in the response, eg icon 1: q icon 2: w etc, I already know which icon is 1 2 etc. simply in the order in which it appears in the video or at least help me with a code that only presses a key on my keyboard when I see an icon in the video there is a link to the reference of the icons or go to the channel or search for pythoncarlos < /pre>
 *in Python language*
 if someone does something like this please help me

my contact email: [sholtack674@gmail.com]

What I have tried:

I tried everything looking for information but nothing worked

解決策 1

