【解決方法】破損した mp4 ビデオを修復するには?


I have a 7 GB mp4 video, but when I put it to Windows Media Player the screen goes black and you do not hear anything, an error comes out that says "There was a problem playing the file in Windows Media Player.".


 I have tried many programs such as wondershare or rowing among others, but all of them to work properly must be paid to others that in the demos also gave me problems, where they told me to change the sample video because it does not work, but even changing it 5 or 6 times it still didn’t work.

I have also tested the way that is done by terminal where you put the command recover_mp4.exe 0031.mp4 --analyze, that if I do not do it wrong is put to the first video mp4 that is good and then a bad one with the command that gives you after the first, I don’t know what else to do.

Here is the result of analyzing the video metadata using ffprobe:

D:\CorruptVideos>ffprobe 0282.mp4
ffprobe version 2023-02-16-git-aeceefa622-essentials_build-www.gyan.dev Copyright (c) 2007-2023 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 12.2.0 (Rev10, Built by MSYS2 project)
  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static --disable-w32threads --disable-autodetect --enable-fontconfig --enable-iconv --enable-gnutls --enable-libxml2 --enable-gmp --enable-bzlib --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-libsrt --enable-libssh --enable-libzmq --enable-avisynth --enable-sdl2 --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libvpx --enable-mediafoundation --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvmaf --enable-libzimg --enable-amf --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc --enable-d3d11va --enable-dxva2 --enable-libvpl --enable-libgme --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libgsm --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopus --enable-libspeex --enable-libvorbis --enable-librubberband
  libavutil      58.  1.100 / 58.  1.100
  libavcodec     60.  2.100 / 60.  2.100
  libavformat    60.  2.100 / 60.  2.100
  libavdevice    60.  0.100 / 60.  0.100
  libavfilter     9.  2.100 /  9.  2.100
  libswscale      7.  0.100 /  7.  0.100
  libswresample   4.  9.100 /  4.  9.100
  libpostproc    57.  0.100 / 57.  0.100
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 000001c25eaeaec0] moov atom not found
0282.mp4: Invalid data found when processing input 

Output from the command I put in the first step of recover_mp4

D:\CorruptVideos>recover_mp4.exe 0031.mp4 --analyze
recover_mp4 v1.92 (C) 2011-2017 Dmitry Vasilyev <slydiman@mail.ru>

Analyzing file '0031.mp4':

'ftyp' 0x0 [32] Major Brand: 'qt  ', Minor Version: 0x20050300
  Compatible brands: 'qt  ', 'ARRI'
'wide' 0x20 [33554368]
  Unprocessed 33554360 bytes
'mdat' 0x1FFFFE0 [2351026184]
'moov' 0x8E21CFE8 [77973]
  'mvhd' 0x8E21CFF0 [108] Movie Header: Time scale 25, Duration 1945 (77.8 sec)
    Rate 1, Volume 1
    Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
    Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
    Next Track ID: 4
  'trak' 0x8E21D05C [13693]
    'tkhd' 0x8E21D064 [92] Track #1, Duration 1945
      Resolution: 2048x1152
      Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
      Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
    'tapt' 0x8E21D0C0 [68]
      Unprocessed 60 bytes
    'edts' 0x8E21D104 [36]
      Unprocessed 28 bytes
    'mdia' 0x8E21D128 [13489]
      'mdhd' 0x8E21D130 [32] Media Header: Time scale 25, Duration 1945 (77.8 sec)
        Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
        Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
      'hdlr' 0x8E21D150 [58] Component Type: 'mhlr', Subtype: 'vide', Apple Video Media Handler
      'minf' 0x8E21D18A [13391]
        'vmhd' 0x8E21D192 [20]
        'hdlr' 0x8E21D1A6 [57] Component Type: 'dhlr', Subtype: 'alis', Apple Alias Data Handler
        'dinf' 0x8E21D1DF [36]
          'dref' 0x8E21D1E7 [28]
            'alis' 0x8E21D1F7 [12]
              Unprocessed 4 bytes 00 00 00 01
        'stbl' 0x8E21D203 [13270]
          'stsd' 0x8E21D20B [190]
            'apch' 0x8E21D21B [174]
              Unprocessed 166 bytes
          'stts' 0x8E21D2C9 [24] Time-to-Sample[1] (#: Count * Duration):
             0: 1945 * 1
          'stsc' 0x8E21D2E1 [40] Sample-to-Chunk[2] (#: FirstChunk / SamplesPerChunk / SampleDescIndex):
             0: 1 / 3 / 1
             1: 649 / 1 / 1
          'stsz' 0x8E21D309 [7800] Sample Size[1945] (#: Sample Size):
             0: 0x9b000
             1: 0xbd000
             2: 0xc0000
             3: 0xd3000
             4: 0xfa000
             5: 0x10d000
             6: 0x10d000
             7: 0x10d000
             8: 0x10d000
             9: 0x10d000
            10: 0x10d000
          'co64' 0x8E21F181 [5208] Chunk Offset64 [649] (#: Chunk Offset):
             0: 0x2048000
             1: 0x2260000
             2: 0x253a000
             3: 0x2861000
             4: 0x2bac000
             5: 0x2ed3000
             6: 0x31fa000
             7: 0x3521000
             8: 0x386c000
             9: 0x3b93000
            10: 0x3eba000
  'trak' 0x8E2205D9 [1893]
    'tkhd' 0x8E2205E1 [92] Track #2, Duration 1945
      Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
      Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
    'edts' 0x8E22063D [36]
      Unprocessed 28 bytes
    'mdia' 0x8E220661 [1757]
      'mdhd' 0x8E220669 [32] Media Header: Time scale 48000, Duration 3734400 (77.8 sec)
        Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
        Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
      'hdlr' 0x8E220689 [58] Component Type: 'mhlr', Subtype: 'soun', Apple Sound Media Handler
      'minf' 0x8E2206C3 [1659]
        'smhd' 0x8E2206CB [16]
        'hdlr' 0x8E2206DB [57] Component Type: 'dhlr', Subtype: 'alis', Apple Alias Data Handler
        'dinf' 0x8E220714 [36]
          'dref' 0x8E22071C [28]
            'alis' 0x8E22072C [12]
              Unprocessed 4 bytes 00 00 00 01
        'stbl' 0x8E220738 [1542]
          'stsd' 0x8E220740 [130]
            'in24' 0x8E220750 [114] Sound Sample v1, 2ch, 16 bits, 48000 Hz
              'wave' 0x8E220784 [38]
                'frma' 0x8E22078C [12]
                  Unprocessed 4 bytes 69 6E 32 34
                'enda' 0x8E220798 [10]
                  Unprocessed 2 bytes 00 01
                {0000} 0x8E2207A2 [8]
              'chan' 0x8E2207AA [24]
                Unprocessed 16 bytes
          'stts' 0x8E2207C2 [24] Time-to-Sample[1] (#: Count * Duration):
             0: 3734400 * 1
          'stsc' 0x8E2207DA [40] Sample-to-Chunk[2] (#: FirstChunk / SamplesPerChunk / SampleDescIndex):
             0: 1 / 23040 / 1
             1: 163 / 1920 / 1
          'stsz' 0x8E220802 [20] Sample Size[0] (#: Sample Size = 0x1):
          'co64' 0x8E220816 [1320] Chunk Offset64 [163] (#: Chunk Offset):
             0: 0x2000000
             1: 0x2024000
             2: 0x2b88000
             3: 0x3848000
             4: 0x4508000
             5: 0x51c8000
             6: 0x5e88000
             7: 0x6b48000
             8: 0x7808000
             9: 0x84c8000
            10: 0x9188000
  'trak' 0x8E220D3E [621]
    'tkhd' 0x8E220D46 [92] Track #3, Duration 1945
      Resolution: 2048x1152
      Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
      Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
    'edts' 0x8E220DA2 [36]
      Unprocessed 28 bytes
    'mdia' 0x8E220DC6 [453]
      'mdhd' 0x8E220DCE [32] Media Header: Time scale 25, Duration 1945 (77.8 sec)
        Creating time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
        Modification time: 2023/02/11 2:57:54
      'hdlr' 0x8E220DEE [56] Component Type: 'mhlr', Subtype: 'tmcd', Time Code Media Handler
      'minf' 0x8E220E26 [357]
        'gmhd' 0x8E220E2E [86]
          Unprocessed 78 bytes
        'hdlr' 0x8E220E84 [57] Component Type: 'dhlr', Subtype: 'alis', Apple Alias Data Handler
        'dinf' 0x8E220EBD [36]
          'dref' 0x8E220EC5 [28]
            'alis' 0x8E220ED5 [12]
              Unprocessed 4 bytes 00 00 00 01
        'stbl' 0x8E220EE1 [170]
          'stsd' 0x8E220EE9 [70]
            'tmcd' 0x8E220EF9 [54]
              Unprocessed 46 bytes
          'stts' 0x8E220F2F [24] Time-to-Sample[1] (#: Count * Duration):
             0: 1 * 1945
          'stsc' 0x8E220F47 [28] Sample-to-Chunk[1] (#: FirstChunk / SamplesPerChunk / SampleDescIndex):
             0: 1 / 1 / 1
          'stsz' 0x8E220F63 [20] Sample Size[0] (#: Sample Size = 0x4):
          'stco' 0x8E220F77 [20] Chunk Offset[1] (#: Chunk Offset):
             0: 0x1fffff0
    'udta' 0x8E220F8B [32]
      'kgtt' 0x8E220F93 [20]
        Unprocessed 12 bytes
      Unprocessed 4 bytesERROR: Please report to the developer!

And the output of the second recover_mp4 step, after making the first

D:\CorruptVideos>recover_mp4.exe 0282.mp4 recovered.h264 recovered.aac
recover_mp4 v1.92 (C) 2011-2017 Dmitry Vasilyev <slydiman@mail.ru>

Writing H264 video file 'recovered.h264'...
Cannot open file 'video.hdr'
'recovered.h264' created, size 0 (0.000%)
Does anyone know how to fix it and without money or very little?

Thank you

解決策 1



VLC を試すことができます。VLC には、ロードされたビデオの詳細を表示するコーデック ツールがあります。メディア プレーヤーが MP4 コンテナのコンテンツを認識していない可能性があります。

自分? 私はそれを放棄し、代わりにオリジナルの新鮮で破損していないバージョンを入手します…

