【解決方法】私はPythonを初めて使用します。 レビューしてもらうためにコードを送信しました。 コメントとコードがあります。 コードを修正するにはどうすればよいですか。

最終結果が正しいとしても、2Dlist 内には存在しないことに注意してください。 個別の独立したリストを返しています。返すこれらのリストはリスト内にある必要があることに注意してください。 つまり、最終出力は 2Dlist になるはずです。 この問題を解決して再送信してください。


# Compulsory Task 1
# This program takes a grid of # and -, where each # represents a mine and each dash (-)represents a mine-free spot.
# Returning a grid, where each dash is replaced by a digit, indicating the number of mines immediately adjacent to the spot.

# This functions has data manipulation on how will the grid be displayed
def minesweeper(grid):
# Firstly we initialise rows and columns
    row_num = len(grid)
    column_num = len(grid[0])
#========== New grid is created ========
# "-" are firstly replaced by 0 on this new grid
# "#" remain on the grid and is not replaced by any other value
    new_grid = [[0] * column_num for _ in range(row_num)]
    hash_count = 0
# Outer loop for rows
# The enumerate method takes two arguments, the iterable and the starting
    for count_row, row in enumerate(grid):
# Inner loop for columns
        for count_column, col in enumerate(row):
            if col == "#":
                new_grid[count_row][count_column] = "#"
#======== Further manipilation on the new grid
# 0's remains on the grid, or either replaced by 1, 2, 3 or 4.
# However # remains on the grid 
# Depending on the row count,column count and length of grid
# 0's are replaced by a new value
                if count_row >= 0 and count_row < len(grid)-1:
                    if grid[count_row+1][count_column] == "#":
                        hash_count += 1

                if count_row > 0 and count_row <= len(grid)-1:
                    if grid[count_row-1][count_column] == "#":
                        hash_count += 1  
                if count_column >= 0 and count_column < len(row)-1:
                        if row[count_column+1] == "#":
                            hash_count += 1
                if count_column > 0 and count_column <= len(row)-1:
                        if row[count_column-1] == "#":
                            hash_count += 1
# Depending on the row count,column count, length of grid and row
# 0's are replaced by a new value                
                if count_row >= 0 and count_row < len(grid)-1 and count_column >= 0 and count_column < len(row)-1:
                    if grid[count_column+1][count_column+1] == "#":
                        hash_count += 1
                if count_row >= 0 and count_row < len(grid)-1 and count_column > 0 and count_column <= len(row)-1:
                    if grid[count_row+1][count_column-1] == "#":
                        hash_count += 1
                if count_row > 0 and count_row <= len(grid)-1 and count_column >= 0 and count_column < len(row)-1:
                    if grid[count_row-1][count_column+1] == "#":
                        hash_count += 1
                if count_row > 0 and count_row <= len(grid)-1 and count_column > 0 and count_column <= len(row)-1:
                    if grid[count_row-1][count_column-1] == "#":
                        hash_count += 1
                new_grid[count_row][count_column] = str(hash_count) 
                hash_count = 0
    return new_grid

grid = [["-", "-", "-", "#", "#"],
["-", "#", "-", "-", "-"],
["-", "-", "#", "-", "-"],
["-", "#", "#", "-", "-"],
["-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

# Function is called and new grid is displayed   
for row in minesweeper(grid):

解決策 1

最後の 2 行を次のように置き換えます。

import pprint  
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
answer = minesweeper(grid)

見る pprint — データプリティプリンター — Python 3.10.5 ドキュメント[^]。

