
The solution to the problem of dining philosophers
The solution to the process synchronization problem is Semaphores, a semaphore is an integer used in solving critical sections.
A critical section is a part of the program that allows you to access shared variables or resources. In a critical section, an atomic operation (independently running process) is required, meaning that only one process can run in that section at a time.
Semaphore has two atomic operations: wait() and signal(). If its input value S is positive, the wait() operation is decremented, used to get the resource on entry. If S is negative or zero, no operation is performed. The parameter value of the signal() operation S is incremented, it is used to release the resource when the critical section is executed on exit.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

void dine(int n);
pthread_t philosopher[NUM_PHILOSOPHERS];
pthread_mutex_t chopstick[NUM_CHOPSTICKS];

int main()
  // Define counter var i and status_message
  int i, status_message;
  void *msg;

  // Initialise the semaphore array
  for (i = 1; i <= NUM_CHOPSTICKS; i++)
    status_message = pthread_mutex_init(&chopstick[i], NULL);
    // Check if the mutex is initialised successfully
    if (status_message == -1)
      printf("\n Mutex initialization failed");

  // Run the philosopher Threads using *dine() function
  for (i = 1; i <= NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++)
    status_message = pthread_create(&philosopher[i], NULL, (void *)dine, (int *)i);
    if (status_message != 0)
      printf("\n Thread creation error \n");

  // Wait for all philosophers threads to complete executing (finish dining) before closing the program
  for (i = 1; i <= NUM_PHILOSOPHERS; i++)
    status_message = pthread_join(philosopher[i], &msg);
    if (status_message != 0)
      printf("\n Thread join failed \n");

  // Destroy the chopstick Mutex array
  for (i = 1; i <= NUM_CHOPSTICKS; i++)
    status_message = pthread_mutex_destroy(&chopstick[i]);
    if (status_message != 0)
      printf("\n Mutex Destroyed \n");
  return 0;
void dine(int n)
  printf("\nPhilosopher % d is thinking ", n);

  // Philosopher picks up the left chopstick (wait)

  // Philosopher picks up the right chopstick (wait)
  pthread_mutex_lock(&chopstick[(n + 1) % NUM_CHOPSTICKS]);

  // After picking up both the chopstick philosopher starts eating
  printf("\nPhilosopher % d is eating ", n);

  // Philosopher places down the left chopstick (signal)

  // Philosopher places down the right chopstick (signal)
  pthread_mutex_unlock(&chopstick[(n + 1) % NUM_CHOPSTICKS]);

  // Philosopher finishes eating
  printf("\nPhilosopher % d Finished eating ", n);

