正方形の表面にトラップされた 2 つの原子の被覆率の平均を計算する必要があります。 このような平均は、特定のステップ数の後に取得されます。たとえば、モンテカルロの 10 ステップごとに、そのようなカバレッジの平均を取得し、各平均とそれぞれの「y」値をファイルに出力します (y は 1 以下です)。 )。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> //define the dimensions of the grid #define MAX_X 4 #define MAX_Y 4 //define the iterations #define ITERATIONS (MAX_Y*MAX_X) FILE *data; //define the states of a cell in grid` typedef enum { S_EMPTY, P1_OCCUPIED, P2_OCCUPIED, S_NONE } gstate; // help generate random coordinate of the grid int gridrnd(int max) { return (rand() % max); } // generates random coordinates of the grid int generate_coords(int* j, int* i ) { if (!i || !j) return 1; *i = gridrnd(MAX_X); *j = gridrnd(MAX_Y); // printf("(%d,%d)\n\n", *j, *i); return 0; } //function to initialize the grid as empty void grid_init(gstate grid[MAX_Y][MAX_X]) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_Y; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_X; i++) { grid[j][i] = S_EMPTY; } } } //funstion to calculate the mean of the coverages double calculate_mean(double sum, double count){ double average=0.0; average=sum/count; return average; } int main(){ data=fopen("data.txt","w"); int i = 0, j = 0; gstate grid[MAX_Y][MAX_X]; int particle1 = 0, particle2 = 0; // counters for the number of particle1 and particle2 int availcells = MAX_X * MAX_Y; //first we initialize with all the cells of the matrix available int fullcells = 0; int rounds = 0; double N = 1.0*sizeof(grid)/sizeof(grid[0][0]); //number of the total sites in the matrix float r; double cover1 = 0.0, cover2 = 0.0, sumacov = 0.0; double average1 = 0.0, average2 = 0.0; //we define the average of the coverages of particle 1 and particle 2 double sum1 = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0; //sum of the coverages of both particle 1 and 2. useful to calculate the average of the coverages float Y = 0.0; double MCSTEPS = 10; srand((unsigned)time(0)); // Initialize grid to be S_EMPTY grid_init(grid); for(int iter = 0; iter < ITERATIONS; iter++){ while (Y <= 1) // repeat till the grid is full { sum1=0.0; sum2=0.0; for(int time = 0; time < MCSTEPS; time++ ) { //LOCATE AN ENTRY OF THE MATRIX RANDOMLY generate_coords(&j, &i); //EVALUATE THE CHOOSEN SITE switch (grid[j][i]) { case S_EMPTY: //printf("IT'S S_EMPTY, LET'S FILL IT WITH A PARTICLE. FIRST LET'S GENERATE TO DECIDE IFIT WILL BE TRAPPED\n\n"); r = rand()/(float)RAND_MAX; if(r <= Y){//The particle #1 is chosen //printf("r = %lf is less than Y = %lf. We choose the particle #1\n\n", r, Y); grid[j][i] = P1_OCCUPIED; particle1++; availcells--; fullcells++; } else{//The particle #2 is chosen //printf("r = %lf is greater than Y = %lf. We choose the particle #2\n\n", r, Y); grid[j][i] = P2_OCCUPIED; particle2++; availcells--; fullcells++; } break; case P1_OCCUPIED: //printf("IT'S OCCUPIED WITH THE PARTICLE #1. PLEASE, GENERATE ANOTHER SITE ON THE SURFACE\n\n"); break; case P2_OCCUPIED: //printf("IT'S OCCUPIED WITH THE PARTICLE #2. PLEASE, GENERATE ANOTHER SITE ON THE SURFACE\n\n"); break; } cover1 = (double)particle1/(double)N; cover2 = (double)particle2/(double)N; sumacov = cover1 + cover2;// To verify if the sum of the coverages is effectively equal to 1 sum1+=cover1; sum2+=cover2; } average1=calculate_mean(sum1,(double)MCSTEPS); average2=calculate_mean(sum2, (double)MCSTEPS); Y = Y + 1/((float)(MCSTEPS*ITERATIONS)); fprintf(data,"%f %f %f\n", average1, average2, Y); printf("%f %f %f\n", average1, average2, Y); } } printf("The process took %d rounds\n\n", rounds); printf("#particle1 = %d\n\n", particle1);//total of particle1 adsorbed printf("#particle2 = %d\n\n", particle2);//total of particle2 adsorbed printf("#availcells = %d\n\n",availcells); printf("#fullcells = %d\n\n",fullcells); fclose(data); return 0; }
問題は、私のコードがパーティクル #1 を選択することはほとんどないことです。これが、パーティクル #1 または #2 を選択するために乱数「r」を生成する方法に関連しているかどうかはわかりません。 その結果、粒子 1 のカバレッジの平均は 0.000000 になります。
解決策 1
プログラムは、一様確率で、 float
価値 r
間 0
と 1
次に、そのような数値を次の数値と比較します。 Y
値(何 Y
の略?) を指定し、空のセルを粒子に割り当てます。 1
場合のみ r <= Y
. ただし、 Y
値は から始まり、徐々に増加 0
、パーティクルの可能性はほとんどありません 1