
Hello Friends,
I am Shailendra 
We want to take an image that is looking at a rectangle from below (creating a trapezoid) and change it into the original rectangle. For example, imagine you were on the ground taking a photograph of a skyscraper. I want to use that data to find what the side of the skyscraper looks like. How can I do that?
Keystone Correction normally refers to an offset projector, but that's not exactly what's happening. My source image is already messed up in the same way as an offset projector would make it. I need to get it straight-on.
We are using CP PLUS IP Camera and we are working in C# dot net application.
Our requirement is to correct image at live view of camera.
Please guide for above problem’s solution. 

I have search about it and found following code but its not complete code.
so if any one have complete code then please.

Thank you 


public class LockBitmap
          Bitmap source = null;
          IntPtr Iptr = IntPtr.Zero;
          System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData = null;

          public byte[] Pixels { get; set; }
          public int Depth { get; private set; }
          public int Width { get; private set; }
          public int Height { get; private set; }

          public void LockBitmap(Bitmap source)
              this.source = source;
          /// <summary>
          /// Lock bitmap data
          /// </summary>
          public void LockBits()
                  // Get width and height of bitmap
                  Width = source.Width;
                  Height = source.Height;

                  // get total locked pixels count
                  int PixelCount = Width * Height;

                  // Create rectangle to lock
                  Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);

                  // get source bitmap pixel format size
                  Depth = System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(source.PixelFormat);

                  // Check if bpp (Bits Per Pixel) is 8, 24, or 32
                  if (Depth != 8 && Depth != 24 && Depth != 32)
                      throw new ArgumentException("Only 8, 24 and 32 bpp images are supported.");

                  // Lock bitmap and return bitmap data
                  bitmapData = source.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,

                  // create byte array to copy pixel values
                  int step = Depth / 8;
                  Pixels = new byte[PixelCount * step];
                  Iptr = bitmapData.Scan0;

                  // Copy data from pointer to array
                  Marshal.Copy(Iptr, Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);
              catch (Exception ex)
                  throw ex;

          /// <summary>
          /// Unlock bitmap data
          /// </summary>
          public void UnlockBits()
                  // Copy data from byte array to pointer
                  Marshal.Copy(Pixels, 0, Iptr, Pixels.Length);

                  // Unlock bitmap data
              catch (Exception ex)
                  throw ex;

          /// <summary>
          /// Get the color of the specified pixel
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="x"></param>
          /// <param name="y"></param>
          /// <returns></returns>
          public Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
              Color clr = Color.Empty;

              // Get color components count
              int cCount = Depth / 8;

              // Get start index of the specified pixel
              int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;

              if (i > Pixels.Length - cCount)
                  throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

              if (Depth == 32) // For 32 bpp get Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
                  byte b = Pixels[i];
                  byte g = Pixels[i + 1];
                  byte r = Pixels[i + 2];
                  byte a = Pixels[i + 3]; // a
                  clr = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
              if (Depth == 24) // For 24 bpp get Red, Green and Blue
                  byte b = Pixels[i];
                  byte g = Pixels[i + 1];
                  byte r = Pixels[i + 2];
                  clr = Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
              if (Depth == 8)
              // For 8 bpp get color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
                  byte c = Pixels[i];
                  clr = Color.FromArgb(c, c, c);
              return clr;

          /// <summary>
          /// Set the color of the specified pixel
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="x"></param>
          /// <param name="y"></param>
          /// <param name="color"></param>
          public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color)
              // Get color components count
              int cCount = Depth / 8;

              // Get start index of the specified pixel
              int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;

              if (Depth == 32) // For 32 bpp set Red, Green, Blue and Alpha
                  Pixels[i] = color.B;
                  Pixels[i + 1] = color.G;
                  Pixels[i + 2] = color.R;
                  Pixels[i + 3] = color.A;
              if (Depth == 24) // For 24 bpp set Red, Green and Blue
                  Pixels[i] = color.B;
                  Pixels[i + 1] = color.G;
                  Pixels[i + 2] = color.R;
              if (Depth == 8)
              // For 8 bpp set color value (Red, Green and Blue values are the same)
                  Pixels[i] = color.B;

解決策 1

私たちは行き詰まっている人々を喜んで助けますが、それは私たちがあなたのためにすべてを行うためにここにいるという意味ではありません。 私たちがすべての仕事を行うことはできません。あなたはこれに対してお金をもらっているか、成績の一部であり、私たちがあなたのためにすべてを行うのはまったく公平ではありません。


したがって、私たちはあなたに仕事をしてもらう必要があります。あなたが行き詰まったときは、私たちがお手伝いします。 それは、あなたが提出できる段階的な解決策を提供するという意味ではありません。
まず、自分が現在どこにいるのか、そしてプロセスの次のステップは何なのかを説明します。 次に、次のステップを実行するために何を試みたか、また実行したときに何が起こったかを教えてください。

開始する際に問題が発生する場合は、次のことが役立つかもしれません。 問題を解決するコードの書き方、初心者ガイド[^]

