#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> #include <ctype.h> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; struct student{ string studentid,yearlevel,fullname,birthday,address,gender,course; student *next; }; void mainmenu(){ cout << " [I] Student Information System [I]" << endl; cout << " | What do you want to do? |" << endl; cout << " | |" << endl; cout << " | 1. Add New Record |" << endl; cout << " | 2. Search Record |" << endl; cout << " | 3. Display All Records |" << endl; cout << " | 4. Display Specific Record |" << endl; cout << " | 5. Delete Record |" << endl; cout << " | 6. Exit |" << endl; cout << " ********************************" << endl; cout << "\t\t\t\t\t Please type your selection:"; } void border(){ cout <<"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"<< endl; } void gotoxy(short x,short y){ COORD pos={x,y}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),pos); } void printrecords(student *head){ bool x; cout <<"\n\n"; //cout <<"Student-ID Fullname Gender Yearlevel Course Birthday Address \n"; system("CLS"); gotoxy(0,1); cout<<"Student ID"; gotoxy(12,1); cout<<"Full Name"; gotoxy(30,1); cout<<"Gender"; gotoxy(39,1); cout<<"Year Level"; gotoxy(51,1); cout<<"Course"; gotoxy(61,1); cout<<"Birthday"; gotoxy(71,1); cout<<"Address\n\n"; while(head!=NULL){ for(int i=2;x != false;){ gotoxy(0,i); cout<<head->studentid; gotoxy(12,i); cout<<head->fullname; gotoxy(30,i); cout<<head->gender; gotoxy(39,i); cout<<head->yearlevel; gotoxy(51,i); cout<<head->course; gotoxy(61,i); cout<<head->birthday; gotoxy(71,i); cout<<head->address; i++; head = head->next; if (head->NULL){ x=false; } } x = true; cout <<"\n\n"; } } void addrecord(student **head){ //NEW NODE student *newnode = new student; cout <<"Enter Student ID: "; cin >> newnode->studentid; cout <<"\nEnter Fullname: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,newnode->fullname); cout <<"\nEnter Gender (M/F): "; getline(cin,newnode->gender); cout <<"\nEnter Yearlevel(1/2/3/4/5): "; cin >> newnode->yearlevel; cout <<"\nEnter Course (BS______): "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,newnode->course); cout <<"\nEnter Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY): "; getline(cin,newnode->birthday); cout <<"\nEnter Address: "; getline(cin,newnode->address); newnode->next = NULL; // CHECK IF LIST IS EMPTY if(*head==NULL) { *head = newnode; return; } //TRANSVERSING LIST student *temp = *head; while(temp->next!=NULL) { temp = temp->next; } //add the newnode at the end of the list temp->next = newnode; } void searchrecord(string searchValue,student *head){ //TEMP NODE POINT TO HEAD student* temp=head; //DECLARE 2 VAR to: TRACK | SEARCH int found = 0; int i=0; /*CHECK temp node if NULL else check node DATA with searchValue, if found update and break; else continue searching till temp node is not null */ if(temp != NULL) { while(temp != NULL) { i++; if(temp->studentid == searchValue) { found++; break; } temp = temp->next; } if (found == 1) { cout<<"\n "<<searchValue<<" Details:\n"; cout<<searchValue<<" is numbered "<<i<<"on the database.\n"; cout <<"Student-ID Fullname Gender Yearlevel Course Birthday Address \n"; while(temp!=NULL){ cout<<left<<setw(9)<<temp->studentid; cout<<left<<setw(10)<<temp->fullname; cout<<left<<setw(10)<<temp->gender; cout<<left<<setw(10)<<temp->yearlevel; cout<<left<<setw(10)<<temp->course; cout<<left<<setw(10)<<temp->birthday; cout<<left<<setw(10)<<temp->address<<endl; temp = NULL; cout<<"\n\n"; } } else { cout<<searchValue<<" is not in the database.\n"; } } else { cout<<"Their is no data in the database yet...\n"; } } int main(){ int select; string u,searchValue; bool system=false; student *head=NULL; do{ border(); mainmenu(); cin >> select; switch (select){ case 1: { //Add New Record cout<<"Adding New Record\n\n"; addrecord(&head); break; } case 2: { //Search Record cout<<"Accessesing Database Records....\n"; cout<<"Input the Student-ID that you would want to search:\n"; cout<<"Student-ID: "; cin>>searchValue; searchrecord(searchValue,head); break; } case 3: { //Display All Records cout<<"Displaying All Records.....\n\n"; cout<<"Database Record(s)\n"; printrecords(head); break; } case 4: { //Display Specific Record cout<<"Ran case 4\n"; break; } case 5: { //Delete Record cout<<"Ran case 5\n"; break; } case 6:{ //EXIT cout<<"Ran case 6\n"; cout<<"Exiting Program Have a Good Day!"; system = true; break; } default:{ cout <<"\nInvalid Input... \n Try Again...\n"; break; } } //end switch }while(!system); return 0; } // end main
In void print records 方法
for(int i=2;x != false;i++){ ... x=false;}
レコードを検索すると両方を見つけることができますが、表示すると空白になり、printrecord のコードに問題があり、混乱しています….
while(head!=NULL){ for(int i=2;x != false;){ gotoxy(0,i); cout<<head->studentid; gotoxy(12,i); cout<<head->fullname; gotoxy(30,i); cout<<head->gender; gotoxy(39,i); cout<<head->yearlevel; gotoxy(51,i); cout<<head->course; gotoxy(61,i); cout<<head->birthday; gotoxy(71,i); cout<<head->address; i++; head = head->next; if (head->next = NULL){ head = NULL; x=false; } } cout <<"\n\n"; }
解決策 1
要素の数がわからない場合 (そのコードからは明らかにわかりません)、最も簡単な解決策はダンプすることです x
コレクションの最後に到達したら、 break
if (head->next = NULL){ head = NULL; break; }
しかし、私はおそらく while
見積もり:for ループは、表形式を形成するために出力のインクリメントを下げるためのものです。
上記のコードからわかるように、タイトルの y の座標が 3 であるため、i は 5 から始まります。
わかりました、5 は正当化されますが、なぜ for ループなのでしょうか? 特に for ループとして使用しないため、本体の後にインクリメントはありません。
int lineNo = 5; while (head != null) { ... lineNo++; head = head->next; }
はい、代わりにここで for ループを使用できますが、読みにくくなります。
for (int lineNo = 5; head != null; lineNo++, head = head-.next) { ... }
あなたのバージョンは 2 つのループを入れ子にしようとして、本当にばかげたものを生成します!
解決策 3
template< typename T > void outputxy( std::ostream & os, int x, int y, const T & v ) { gotoxy( x, y ); os << v; }
gotoxy(0,i); cout<<head->studentid; gotoxy(12,i); cout<<head->fullname; gotoxy(30,i); cout<<head->gender;
outputxy( 0, i, head->studentid ); outputxy( 12, i, head->fullname ); outputxy( 30, i, head->gender );
解決策 2
void printrecords(student *head){ //cout <<"Student-ID Fullname Gender Yearlevel Course Birthday Address \n"; system("CLS"); cout<<"Displaying All Records.....\n"; cout<<"Database Record(s)\n"; gotoxy(0,3); cout<<"Student ID"; gotoxy(12,3); cout<<"Full Name"; gotoxy(30,3); cout<<"Gender"; gotoxy(39,3); cout<<"Year Level"; gotoxy(51,3); cout<<"Course"; gotoxy(61,3); cout<<"Birthday"; gotoxy(71,3); cout<<"Address\n\n"; while(head!=NULL){ for(int i=5;i<=100 && head!= NULL;i++){ gotoxy(0,i); cout<<head->studentid; gotoxy(12,i); cout<<head->fullname; gotoxy(30,i); cout<<head->gender; gotoxy(39,i); cout<<head->yearlevel; gotoxy(51,i); cout<<head->course; gotoxy(61,i); cout<<head->birthday; gotoxy(71,i); cout<<head->address; head = head->next; } cout <<"\n\n"; } }