コードの変更に問題があります。 ブール値でそれを行いたいのですが、その方法がわかりません。 それは私を混乱させるだけです。
すべてのタイヤの空気圧が 35 ~ 45 の間であるかどうかを確認します。タイヤがこの範囲外の場合は、すぐに警告メッセージが発行されます。 その後、プログラムは値の読み取りと処理を続けます。
警告メッセージが発生した場合、プログラムは最後に最終警告メッセージを発行します。 この目的のために、ブール変数 pressureOK を宣言します。
true で初期化し、タイヤが有効な範囲外にある場合は値を false に設定します。
彼らはブール値のタスクで私を助けてくれますが、私は無知で混乱しているので、それを行う方法がわかりません。 正直なところ、私は文字通りすべてを試しました。 解決策を求める前に、可能な限りのことを常に試します。なぜなら、試しずに解決策を求めるだけでは役に立たないからです。
import java.util.Scanner; public class Tyrepressure { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner1 = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter your tyrepressure of your right-front-tyre in pounds per square inch: "); double rightFrontTyre = scanner1.nextDouble(); System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input System.out.println("Enter your tyrepressure of your left-front-tyre in pounds per square inch: "); double leftFrontTyre = scanner1.nextDouble(); System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input System.out.println("Enter your tyrepressure of your left-back-tyre in pounds per square inch: "); double rightBackTyre = scanner1.nextDouble(); System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input System.out.println("Enter your tyrepressure of your right-back-tyre in pounds per square inch: "); double leftBackTyre = scanner1.nextDouble(); System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input if (rightFrontTyre >= 35 && rightFrontTyre <= 45) { System.out.println("right-front-tyre = " + rightFrontTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is okay!"); } else { System.out.println("right-front-tyre = " + rightFrontTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is critical, it is out of the allowed range!"); } System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input if (leftFrontTyre >= 35 && leftFrontTyre <= 45) { System.out.println("left-front-tyre = " + leftFrontTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is okay!"); } else { System.out.println("left-front-tyre = " + leftFrontTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is critical, it is out of the allowed range!"); } System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input if (rightBackTyre >= 35 && rightBackTyre <= 45) { System.out.println("right-back-tyre = " + rightBackTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is okay!"); } else { System.out.println("right-back-tyre = " + rightBackTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is critical, it is out of the allowed range!"); } System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input if (leftBackTyre >= 35 && leftBackTyre <= 45) { System.out.println("left-back-tyre = " + leftBackTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is okay!"); } else { System.out.println("left-back-tyre = " + leftBackTyre + " psi, your tyrepressure is critical, it is out of the allowed range!"); } System.out.println(" "); // For space in between the user input if (rightFrontTyre < 35 || rightFrontTyre > 45 || leftFrontTyre < 35 || leftFrontTyre > 45 || rightBackTyre < 35 || rightBackTyre > 45 || leftBackTyre < 35 || leftBackTyre > 45) { System.out.println("You have to check your tyrepressure!"); } } }
Enter your tyrepressure of your right-front-tyre in pounds per square inch: 40 Enter your tyrepressure of your left-front-tyre in pounds per square inch: 32 Enter your tyrepressure of your left-back-tyre in pounds per square inch: 11 Enter your tyrepressure of your right-back-tyre in pounds per square inch: 40 right-front-tyre = 40.0 psi, your tyrepressure is okay! left-front-tyre = 32.0 psi, your tyrepressure is critical, it is out of the allowed range! right-back-tyre = 11.0 psi, your tyrepressure is critical, it is out of the allowed range! left-back-tyre = 40.0 psi, your tyrepressure is okay! You have to check your tyrepressure!