I have an app that keeps track of all my DVDs. The DVDs are also digitized so they can be played right from the app. When I go into the app, I need to be sure that I am in the same drive as the digitized movies. So far, I have been just manually changing the drive but would really like to be sure it is in the correct drive from the beginning. I have tried the SetCurrentDirectory() command, but it doesn’t work. I do Imports System.IO This is the code: <pre><pre>Imports System.IO Imports System.Speech.Synthesis Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'DVD_ListDataSet.DVD_List' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.DVD_ListTableAdapter.Fill(Me.DVD_ListDataSet.DVD_List) synth.SelectVoice("Microsoft Zira Desktop") If Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() <> "J:\" Then Directory.SetCurrentDirectory("J:\") End If End Sub
GetCurrentDirectory および SetCurrentDirectory コマンドは、これを行うために私が見つけることができる唯一のものです。 私は何を間違っていますか????
ドライブをチェックせずに、必要なドライブに設定しようとしました ‘
解決策 1
うまくいかなかったと確信していますか? ドライブは存在しますか?
Console.WriteLine($"Current: [{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}]") Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(@"m:\") Console.WriteLine($"Current: [{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}]")
Current: [C:\CodeProject Help\ChangeDrive\ChangeDrive\bin\Debug\net7.0] Current: [m:\]