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【解決方法】WPFでdatepickerからのみ日付を取得するにはどうすればよいですか? | code chips



ユーザーが日付を手動で選択するための DatePicker があり、この日付はデータグリッドで選択した項目の値として入力されます。

ただし、たとえば、「23/01/2023 12:00:00 AM」と表示されます。


    public partial class Shortlist : Window
//        public ObservableCollection<ShortlistedClient> shlclients { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<ShortlistedClient>();
        List<ShortlistedClient1> shlclients = new List<ShortlistedClient1>();

        public DateTime? SelectedDateFormat { get; private set; }

        public Shortlist()
        //    createShClientList();
            DataContext = shlclients;
            shlclients.Add(new ShortlistedClient1("Rich", "07515118265", "rich@gmail.com", "Glasgow", "Office", "MSc", "more than 3 years", "Yes", "No"));
            shlclients.Add(new ShortlistedClient1("Steve", "07515118265", "steve@gmail.com", "Glasgow", "Construction", "High School", "more than 3 years", "Yes", "No"));
            shlclients.Add(new ShortlistedClient1("Maria", "07485999005", "mb@gmail.com", "Edinburgh", "Office", "MSc", "more than 3 years", "No", "No"));


        // method to add date to each selected client
        private void addInterviewDT(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ShortlistedClient sc = dgr.SelectedItem as ShortlistedClient;

            if (sc != null )
                sc.DT = DatePick.SelectedDate;


public class ShortlistedClient1 : Client, INotifyPropertyChanged
    private DateTime? _dt;

    public DateTime?  DT
        get { return _dt; }
        set { _dt = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }

    public bool InterestedinVac { get; private set; }

    public List<ShortlistedClient> clients { get; set; } = new List<ShortlistedClient1>();
    public ShortlistedClient(string n, string p, string e, string l, string wt, string q, string we, string dl, string cc) : base(n, p, e, l, wt, q, we, dl, cc)
        DT = new DateTime();
        InterestedinVac = true;


I have tried changing DateOnly? to DateTime? in my ShortlistedClient class, and then set { _dt = value.ToShortDateString(); .. }   but it gives an error as well.

and I have tried
private DateTime _dt;

        public DateTime  DT
            get { return _dt; }
            set { _dt = value.Date; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }

        public bool InterestedinVac { get; private set; }

        public List<ShortlistedClient> clients { get; set; } = new List<ShortlistedClient>();
        public ShortlistedClient(string n, string p, string e, string l, string wt, string q, string we, string dl, string cc) : base(n, p, e, l, wt, q, we, dl, cc)
            DT = new DateTime(); 
            InterestedinVac = true; 

which gives:
Error	CS0266	Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime?' to 'System.DateTime'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)	

解決策 1

データ バインディングで日付形式を設定できます。 例えば:

<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{StartDate, StringFormat=\{0:dd.MM.yy\}}" />


