غير قادر على إرسال كائن من النوع ‘whereenumerableiterator’1[object]” لكتابة “system.linq.iqueryable”1[object]’

I'm using some free source code to create an e-commerce site in WebForms. It is the Visual Basic version of Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms and Visual Studio 2013. I have been successful until I coded the ProductDetails.aspx.vb page. I replaced my object names and properties accordingly, but when I run the project, I get this error:

Unable to cast object of type 'WhereEnumerableIterator`1[LethalLibrary.Book]' to type 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[LethalLibrary.Book]'.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'WhereEnumerableIterator`1[LethalLibrary.Book]' to type 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[LethalLibrary.Book]'.

Does Linq from VS2017 differ from VS2013? How do I fix this?

ما حاولت:

Public Function GetBook(<QueryString("BookID")> BookId As Nullable(Of Integer)) As IQueryable(Of Book)
		Dim db = New BookContext()
		Dim query As IQueryable(Of Book) = db.Books
		If BookId.HasValue AndAlso BookId > 0 Then
			query = query.Where(CType(Function(p) p.BookID = BookId, Func(Of Book, Boolean)))
		ElseIf Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(BookTitle) Then
			query = query.Where(Function(p) String.Compare(p.BookTitle, BookTitle) = 0)
			query = Nothing
		End If
		Return query
	End Function

لقد أضفت أيضا

.Select(Function(p) p)

إلى نهاية بيان .Where الخاص بي، لكن ذلك لم ينجح أيضًا.

<pre>Public Function GetBook(<QueryString("BookID")> BookId As Nullable(Of Integer)) As IQueryable(Of Book)
		Dim db = New BookContext()
		Dim query As IQueryable(Of Book) = db.Books
		If BookId.HasValue AndAlso BookId > 0 Then
			query = query.Where(CType(Function(p) p.BookID = BookId, Func(Of Book, Boolean))).Select(Function(p) p)
			query = Nothing
		End If
		Return query
	End Function

الحل 1

حاول استخدام طريقة Enumerable.Cast(TResult) (IEnumerable) (System.Linq)[^] :

Dim query As IQueryable(Of Book) = db.Books.Cast(Of Book)() _
    .Where(Function(x) x.BookID = BookId) _

أو أسلوب Enumerable.OfType(TResult) (IEnumerable) (System.Linq)[^]:

Dim query As IQueryable(Of Book) = db.Books.OfType(Of Book)() _
    .Where(Function(x) x.BookID = BookId) _

لمزيد من التفاصيل، يرجى الاطلاع على: طرق LINQ المدعومة وغير المدعومة (LINQ للكيانات) | مستندات مايكروسوفت[^]

الحل 2

لقد وجدت الحل في منتديات ASP.NET؛ أضفت AsQueryable() إلى نهاية بلدي query متغير وعملت!

Public Function GetBook(BookId As Nullable(Of Integer)) As IQueryable(Of Book)
    Dim BookTitle As String = "aaaa"
    Dim db = New ApplicationDbContext()
    Dim query As IQueryable(Of Book) = db.Books
    If BookId.HasValue AndAlso BookId > 0 Then
        query = (query.Where(CType(Function(p) p.BookId = BookId, Func(Of Book, Boolean)))).AsQueryable()
    ElseIf Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(BookTitle) Then
        query = (query.Where(Function(p) String.Compare(p.BookTitle, BookTitle) = 0)).AsQueryable()
        query = Nothing
    End If
    Return query
End Function

الحل 3

عملت AsQueryable بالنسبة لي أيضًا (في cSharp)
شكرًا لك

