Cómo obtener pagos automáticos recurrentes desde la pasarela de pagos de NMI utilizando el punto final API de webhook en MERN


Estoy usando un NMI para la integración de pagos. He creado la API NMI para agregar una suscripción personalizada usando esto documentaciones

Estoy utilizando el punto final API de webhooks para obtener esa información y el estado de los pagos y las suscripciones. donde obtengo información para agregar y eliminar de la suscripción, pero no obtengo información de pagos automáticos recurrentes. Me he suscrito diariamente, por lo que los cargos recurrentes serán pagos automáticos de las tarjetas de crédito y obtendré la información mediante la API del webhook de NMI. No obtengo esos detalles de pagos automáticos recurrentes. Estoy almacenando esa información en mi MongoDb. No sé cómo obtener los detalles de los pagos automáticos recurrentes, como pagos exitosos o rechazados u otro estado.
Nota: Ya agregué cargos recurrentes diarios para poder obtener esas respuestas de pagos, pero aún no recibo ningún pago automático. Estoy usando la prueba NMI cuenta

Lo que he probado:

Mi API de webhook:

router.post("/nmi", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const signingKey = "MY SIGNING KEY";
    const webhookBody = JSON.stringify(req.body); // Assuming body is JSON
    const sigHeader = req.headers["webhook-signature"];

    if (!sigHeader || sigHeader.length < 1) {
      throw new Error("Invalid webhook - signature header missing");

    const sigMatches = sigHeader.match(/t=(.*),s=(.*)/);
    if (!sigMatches || sigMatches.length !== 3) {
      throw new Error("Unrecognized webhook signature format");

    const nonce = sigMatches[1];
    const signature = sigMatches[2];

    if (!webhookIsVerified(webhookBody, signingKey, nonce, signature)) {
      throw new Error(
        "Invalid webhook - invalid signature, cannot verify sender"

    // Webhook is now verified to have been sent by you, continue processing
    console.log("Webhook is verified");
    const webhook = req.body; // Assuming JSON payload

    if (webhook.event_type === "recurring.subscription.add") {

      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging added",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      console.log("req.body is here : ", req.body);
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "recurring.subscription.update") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging subscription update",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "recurring.subscription.delete") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging subscription delete",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.auth.failure") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction auth failure",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.auth.success") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction auth success",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,

      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.auth.unknown") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction auth unknown",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,

      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.capture.success") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction capture success",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.capture.failure") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction capture failure",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.capture.unknown") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction capture unknown",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.credit.success") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction credit success",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.sale.success") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction sale success",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.void.success") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction void success",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.validate.success") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction validate success",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    } else if (webhook.event_type === "transaction.validate.failure") {
      const payment = await AutoRecPayments.create({
        nmisubscriptionId: webhook.event_body.subscription_id,
        email: webhook.event_body.billing_address.email,
        description: "Recurring charging transaction validate failure",
        amount: webhook.event_body.plan.amount,
      //Save payment details of the user in payment collection
      await payment.save();
    res.status(200).send("Webhook processed successfully");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error handling webhook:", error);
    res.status(500).send("Error processing webhook");

aquí está la API de suscripción personalizada:

router.post("/custom-add-subscription", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const {
    } = req.body;

    let postData = {
      security_key: "MY SIGNING KEY",
      recurring: "add_subscription",
      day_frequency: dayFrequency ? dayFrequency : 30,
      first_name: first_name,
      last_name: last_name,
      address1: address,
    postData = querystring.stringify(postData);

    var config = {
      method: "post",
      url: "https://secure.nmi.com/api/transact.php",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      data: postData,
      .then(async (response) => {
        const parsedResponse = querystring.parse(response.data);
        console.log("ek ek krne", parsedResponse);
        if (parsedResponse.response_code == 100) {
          // Handle successful subscription creation
          sendResponse(res, "Custom subscription added successfully.");
        } else {
          // Handle subscription creation failure
          sendResponse(res, parsedResponse.responsetext, 403);
      .catch(function (error) {
        sendResponse(res, error, 500);
  } catch (error) {
    sendResponse(res, "Something went wrong!", 500);

Solución 1

Como su problema es específico del sistema NMI, debe utilizar su foro de ayuda.

