¿Cómo puedo cambiar un atributo de multiplicar cosas en C++?


Actualmente estoy trabajando en un sistema de gestión simple en C++ que pueda manejar trabajadores, artículos y almacenamiento. Actualmente tengo un método changeItem() que cambia un atributo de un artículo (los artículos son algo así como bollos, trozos de papel, etc.). Uno de los atributos es la ubicación. Ubicación es el nombre de un almacén (caja, frigorífico, etc.).

Cuando hago este cambio (muevo el elemento del almacenamiento1 al almacenamiento2), el espacio restante en el almacenamiento1 debería aumentar en la cantidad movida. Y el espacio restante de Storage2 debería reducirse en la cantidad movida.

Problema: Sin embargo, cuando esto sucede, los cambios en los atributos no ocurren y el almacenamiento1 no gana espacio restante.

Nota de claridad: cuando crea un elemento, se almacena en uno o varios almacenamientos. Luego puedes moverlo a otro almacenamiento según sea necesario. Cuando esto sucede, el atributo Espacio restante debería cambiar según la cantidad movida.



struct item {
    string name;
    string arrivalDate;
    string expirationDate;
    string location;
    double price;
    double quantity;

vector<item> itemData;

// Function to move items to storage
bool moveItemToStorage(item& newItem, const string& storageName, bool updateSpace = true) {
    bool storageFound = false;
    double remainingQuantity = newItem.quantity;

    // Check if the specified storage exists
    for (auto& storageItem : storageData) {
        if (storageItem.name == storageName) {
            storageFound = true;

            // Check if the specified storage has enough space
            if (newItem.quantity <= storageItem.remainingSpace) {
                if (updateSpace) {
                    storageItem.remainingSpace -= newItem.quantity; // Update remaining space for specified storage
                    remainingQuantity = 0;
            } else {
                remainingQuantity = newItem.quantity - storageItem.remainingSpace;
                if (updateSpace) {
                    storageItem.remainingSpace = 0; // Update remaining space for specified storage


    // If specified storage doesn't exist or doesn't have enough space, try alternative storage
    if ((!storageFound || remainingQuantity > 0) && updateSpace) {
        for (auto& altStorage : storageData) {
            if (altStorage.name != storageName && altStorage.remainingSpace > 0) {
                double spaceAvailable = altStorage.remainingSpace;

                if (remainingQuantity <= spaceAvailable) {
                    cout << "Alternatively, you can store the remaining quantity of " << newItem.name << " in " << altStorage.name << endl;
                    altStorage.remainingSpace -= remainingQuantity; // Update remaining space for alternative storage
                    remainingQuantity = 0;
                    return true;
                } else {
                    cout << "Alternatively, you can store the remaining quantity of " << newItem.name << " in " << altStorage.name << " (" << spaceAvailable << " available)" << endl;
                    altStorage.remainingSpace = 0; // Update remaining space for alternative storage
                    remainingQuantity -= spaceAvailable;

    // If there are remaining items not stored, print a message
    if (remainingQuantity > 0) {
        cout << remainingQuantity << " " << newItem.name << " remain outside of storage" << endl;
        return false;

    return true;

// Display all item names
void displayItemNames() {
    for (int i = 0; i < itemData.size(); i++) {
        cout << itemData[i].name;
        if (i != itemData.size() - 1) {
            cout << ", ";
        } else {
            cout << endl << endl;

void createItem() {
    item newItem;
    cout << "Enter the name of the item: ";
    cin >> newItem.name;

    //Check if the item name exists
    for (const auto& itemEntry : itemData) {
        if (itemEntry.name == newItem.name) {
            cout << "Error: Item name already exists" << endl;

    cout << "Enter the day of arrival (Month dd, yyyy): ";
    getline(cin, newItem.arrivalDate);
    if (!isDateValid(newItem.arrivalDate)) {
        cout << "Error: Invalid arrival date format" << endl << endl;

    cout << "Enter the expiration date (Month dd, yyyy): ";
    getline(cin, newItem.expirationDate);
    if (!isDateValid(newItem.expirationDate)) {
        cout << "Error: Invalid expiration date format" << endl << endl;

    if (!isDateBefore(newItem.arrivalDate, newItem.expirationDate)) {
        cout << "Error: Arrival date must be before expiration date" << endl << endl;

    string storageName;
    cout << "Enter the storage where the item shall be stored: ";
    cin >> storageName;
    newItem.location = storageName;
    // Check if the storage exists
    bool storageFound = false;
    for (auto& storageItem : storageData) {
        //If the storage name input is found
        if (storageItem.name == storageName) {
            storageFound = true;
            cout << "Enter the quantity of items received: ";
            cin >> newItem.quantity;

            // Move the item to the specified storage
            moveItemToStorage(newItem, storageName);
    //Storage name input is not found
    if (!storageFound) {
        cout << "Storage does not exist" << endl << endl;
        newItem.location = "No Storage Location";
        cout << "Enter the quantity of the item incoming: ";
        cin >> newItem.quantity;
        cout << endl << "Enter the price of the items: ";
        cin >> newItem.price;
        cout << endl;

    cout << newItem.name << " successfully added to items array" << endl << endl;

// Function to modify attributes of an item
void changeItem() {
    if (itemData.empty()) {
        cout << "No items found" << endl << endl;

    cout << "Current items: ";

    string itemName;
    cout << "Enter the name of the item you want to edit: ";
    cin >> itemName;

    // Find the item with the given name
    auto it = find_if(itemData.begin(), itemData.end(), [&](const item& i) {
        return i.name == itemName;

    if (it == itemData.end()) {
        cout << "Item not found" << endl << endl;
    //Choose what they wish to change
    while (true) {
        cout << "Choose the attribute to change:" << endl;
        cout << "1. Arrival Date" << endl;
        cout << "2. Expiration Date" << endl;
        cout << "3. Location" << endl;
        cout << "4. Price" << endl;
        cout << "5. Quantity" << endl;
        cout << "6. End editing" << endl;
        int choice;
        cin >> choice;
        if (choice == 1) {
            // Change arrival date
            cout << "Old Arrival Date: " << it->arrivalDate << endl;
            cout << "Enter new Arrival Date (Month Day, Year): ";
            getline(cin, it->arrivalDate);
            cout << endl << "You must also change the expiration date" << endl;
            // Change expiration date
            cout << "Old Expiration Date: " << it->expirationDate << endl;
            cout << "Enter new Expiration Date (Month Day, Year): ";
            getline(cin, it->expirationDate);
        } else if (choice == 2) {
            // Change expiration date
            cout << "Old Expiration Date: " << it->expirationDate << endl;
            cout << "Enter new Expiration Date (Month Day, Year): ";
            getline(cin, it->expirationDate);
        } else if (choice == 3) {
            // Change location of item
            cout << "Old Location: " << it->location << endl;
            string newLocation;
            cout << "Enter new Location: ";
            cin >> newLocation;

            // Move the item to the new location
            moveItemToStorage(*it, newLocation);
        } else if (choice == 4) {
            // Change the price
            cout << "Old Price: $" << it->price << endl;
            cout << "Enter new Price: ";
            cin >> it->price;
        } else if (choice == 5) {
            // Change the quantity of the item
            cout << "Old Quantity: " << it->quantity << endl;
            cout << "Enter new Quantity: ";
            double oldQuantity = it->quantity;
            cin >> it->quantity;

            // Update remaining space for the storage
            double quantityDifference = it->quantity - oldQuantity;
            if (quantityDifference != 0) {
                // If quantity is increased, reduce remaining space; if decreased, increase remaining space
                for (auto& storage : storageData) {
                    if (storage.name == it->location) {
                        if (quantityDifference > 0) {
                            // Decrease remaining space
                            storage.remainingSpace -= quantityDifference;
                        } else {
                            // Increase remaining space
                            storage.remainingSpace += (-quantityDifference);
        } else if (choice == 6) {
            // Stop editing the attributes
        } else {
            cout << "Invalid option" << endl << endl;

    cout << "Attribute(s) changed successfully" << endl << endl;




struct storage {
    string name;
    double temperature;
    int maxCapacity;
    int remainingSpace;

vector<storage> storageData;

void displayStorageNames() {
    // Display all storage names
    for (int i = 0; i < storageData.size(); i++) {
        cout << storageData[i].name;
        if (i != storageData.size() - 1) {
            cout << ", ";
        } else {
            cout << endl << endl;

void createStorage() {
    storage newStorage;
    cout << "Enter the name of the new storage container: ";
    cin >> newStorage.name;
    //Check if the storage name already exists
    for (const auto& storageItem : storageData) {
        if (storageItem.name == newStorage.name) {
            cout << "Error: Storage name already exists" << endl << endl;

    cout << "Enter the average temperature of the storage in fahrenheit: ";
    cin >> newStorage.temperature;
    cout << "Enter the maximum amount items the storage can handle: ";
    cin >> newStorage.maxCapacity;
    newStorage.remainingSpace = newStorage.maxCapacity; // Initialize remaining space
    cout << newStorage.name << " successfully added to storages array" << endl << endl;

Lo que he probado:

Intenté modificar el método moveItemToStorage(), pero todavía no lo consigo. Tal vez sea súper fácil y lo estoy haciendo más difícil de lo necesario.

Solución 1

La forma en que maneja el espacio restante al cambiar la ubicación de un elemento de uno a otro en su función ‘changeItem’ es incorrecta.

Cuando cambia la ubicación del elemento, llama a la función ‘moveItemToStorage’, pero no verifica si el movimiento se realizó o no. Si el traslado no se cuenta, el espacio restante para el almacenamiento anterior no se actualizará.

Debe modificar la función ‘moveItemToStorage’ para devolver un valor booleano que muestre si el movimiento se realizó o no. En su función ‘changeItem’, verifique el valor de retorno antes de actualizar el espacio restante para el almacenamiento anterior, actualice su código con esta parte:

} else if (choice == 3) {
    cout << "Old Location: " << it->location << endl;
    string newLocation;
    cout << "Enter new Location: ";
    cin >> newLocation;

    //Move your item to the new location...
    bool moveSuccess = moveItemToStorage(*it, newLocation);

    if (moveSuccess) {
        //If moved, update remaining space for the old storage...
        for (auto& storage : storageData) {
            if (storage.name == it->location) {
                storage.remainingSpace += it->quantity; 
                //Increase the remaining space...
    } else {
        cout << "Move to new location failed. Remaining space not updated." << endl;

