Cuando find() de tbb::concurrent_hash_map se usa en paralelo con la iteración, ¿la cantidad de datos obtenidos es inconsistente con el tamaño del mapa?



#include <omp.h>
#include <tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h>
#include <tbb/tbb.h>

template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
class ConcurrentHashMap {
    typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<KeyType, ValueType> HashMap;
    typedef typename HashMap::const_accessor HashMapConstAccessor;
    typedef typename HashMap::accessor HashMapAccessor;
    typedef typename HashMap::iterator HashMapIterator;
    typedef typename HashMap::value_type HashMapValuePair;

    ConcurrentHashMap (ValueType default_value) : DEFAULT_VALUE(default_value) {

    size_t size() {
      return hashMap.size();

    bool insert(const KeyType& key, const ValueType& value) {
      HashMapAccessor accessor;
      bool inserted = hashMap.insert(accessor, key);
      if (inserted) {
        accessor->second = value;
      return inserted;

    bool erase(const KeyType& key) {
      return hashMap.erase(key);

    bool find(const KeyType& key, ValueType& value) {
      HashMapConstAccessor accessor;
      if (hashMap.find(accessor, key)) {
        value = accessor->second;
        return true;
      value = DEFAULT_VALUE;
      return false;

    void clear() {

    const ValueType& operator[](const KeyType& key) const {
      HashMapConstAccessor accessor;
      hashMap.find(accessor, key);
      if (hashMap.find(accessor, key)) {
        return accessor->second;
      // accessor->second = DEFAULT_VALUE;
      return DEFAULT_VALUE;

    HashMapIterator begin() {
      return hashMap.begin();

    HashMapIterator end() {
      return hashMap.end();

    HashMap hashMap;
    ValueType DEFAULT_VALUE;

class A;

using HashMap = ConcurrentHashMap<int, A*>;
// using HashMap = ConcurrentUnorderedMap<int, A*>;

class A {
  A(int _a, int _b): a(_a), b(_b) {

  void sub () {

  int a = 1;
  int b = 0;;

void test(int N, HashMap& hashMap) {
  int thread_num = 16;

  std::thread writer(
    [&] () {
      auto writeStartTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_num)
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        hashMap.insert(i, new A(1, i));
      auto writeEndTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      double writeTime = std::chrono::duration<double>(writeEndTime 
                                                      - writeStartTime).count();
      std::cout << "writeTime=" << writeTime << std::endl;


int main () {
  // cmd: g++ test_con_hashmap.cpp -fopenmp -ltbb  && ./a.out
  int N = 3174014;
  std::nullptr_t NULLPOINTER = nullptr;
  HashMap hashMap(NULLPOINTER);

  test(N, hashMap);

  std::cout << "------------finish write---------------" << std::endl;

  size_t hashmap_size = hashMap.size();
  std::cout << "\n------ hashMap size = " << hashmap_size << std::endl;

  int thread_num = 32;
  std::thread reader(
    [&] () {
      auto readStartTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

      std::random_device rd;
      std::mt19937 gen(rd());
      std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis(0, N - 1);

      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_num)
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          A* value;
          int randomKey = dis(gen);
          if(hashMap.find(randomKey, value)){
      auto readEndTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      double readTime = std::chrono::duration<double>(readEndTime 
                                               - readStartTime).count();
      std::cout << "-----readTime=" << readTime << std::endl;

  size_t cnt = 0;
  for(auto iterator1 = hashMap.begin(); 
      iterator1 != hashMap.end(); ++iterator1 ){
  std::cout << " cnt=" << cnt << std::endl;

  if (cnt != hashmap_size) {
    std::cout << " error" << std::endl;



  return 0;

What I have tried:

I added a test example, including two pieces of code. One is where I encapsulated tbb::concurrent_hash_map, and the other is a test example. The results are as follows:

------------finish write---------------
------ hashMap size = 3174014
 cnt size=3210251

Solución 1

El problema se debe a dónde tienes el código del contador. Intenté esto yo mismo y obtuve recuentos coincidentes cuando moví el contador fuera del alcance del hilo del lector. Algo como esto :

int main ()
    // cmd: g++ test_con_hashmap.cpp -fopenmp -ltbb  && ./a.out
    int N = 3174014;
    std::nullptr_t NULLPOINTER = nullptr;
    HashMap hashMap(NULLPOINTER);

    test( N, hashMap );

    std::cout << "------------finish write---------------" << std::endl;

    size_t hashmap_size = hashMap.size();
    std::cout << "\n------ hashMap size = " << hashmap_size << std::endl;

      int thread_num = 32;
      std::thread reader(
        [&] () {
          auto readStartTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
          std::random_device rd;
          std::mt19937 gen(rd());
          std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis(0, N - 1);
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(thread_num)
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
              A* value;
              int randomKey = dis(gen);
              if(hashMap.find(randomKey, value)){
          auto readEndTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
          double readTime = std::chrono::duration<double>(readEndTime 
                                                   - readStartTime).count();
          std::cout << "-----readTime=" << readTime << std::endl;
    } // end of reader thread scope

    size_t cnt = 0;
    for( auto it1 = hashMap.begin(); it1 != hashMap.end(); ++it1 )
    std::cout << " cnt=" << cnt << std::endl;

    if( cnt == hashmap_size )
        std::cout << "counts match" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "error" << std::endl;

    return 0;

