Dar identificaciones únicas a los usuarios en C++


He creado una basura para crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar en C++. El problema al que me enfrento ahora es que mientras ingreso los datos, las identificaciones de la persona no comienzan desde 1, 2, 3, etc.

La identificación comienza a partir de números aleatorios como 1586, 1587, etc.

Por favor, ejecute su compilador y podrá ver el problema en cuestión.

Lo que he probado:

  1  #include <iostream>
  2  #include <fstream>
  3  #include<string>
  4  using namespace std;
  5  int ID = 0;
  6  struct Student {
  7      int id;
  8      string firstName;
  9      string userName;
 10      string password;
 11  };
 13  void addStudent() {
 14      Student student;
 15      cout << "\n\tEnter First Name : ";
 16      cin.get();
 17      getline(cin, student.firstName); //Nouman Habib
 18      cout << "\n\tEnter User Name : ";
 19      cin >> student.userName;
 20      cout << "\n\tEnter Password : ";
 21      cin >> student.password;
 23      ID++;
 24      student.id = ID;
 26      ofstream write;
 27      write.open("student.txt", ios::app);
 28      write << "\n" << ID;
 29      write << "\n" << student.firstName ;
 30      write << "\n" << student.userName ;
 32      write << "\n" << student.password ;
 34      write.close();
 35      write.open("id.txt");
 36      write << ID;
 37      write.close();
 38      cout << "\n\tData save to file";
 39  }
 41  void print(Student s) {
 42      cout << "\n\t---Stuent Data---";
 43      cout << "\n\tID is : " << s.id;
 44      cout << "\n\tFirst Name is : " << s.firstName;
 45      cout << "\n\tUser Name is : " << s.userName;
 46      cout << "\n\tPassword is : " << s.password;
 48  }
 50  void readData() {
 51      Student student;
 52      ifstream read;
 53      read.open("student.txt");
 54      while (!read.eof()) {
 55          read >> student.id;
 56          read.ignore();
 57          getline(read, student.firstName);
 58          read >> student.userName;
 59          read >> student.password;
 61          print(student);
 62      }
 63      read.close();
 64  }
 66  int searchData() {
 67      int id;
 68      cout << "\n\tEnter student id want to search : ";
 69      cin >> id;
 70      Student student;
 71      ifstream read;
 72      read.open("student.txt");
 73      while (!read.eof()) {
 74          read >> student.id;
 75          read.ignore();
 76          getline(read, student.firstName);
 77          read >> student.userName;
 78          read >> student.password;
 80          if (student.id == id) {
 81              print(student);
 82              return id;
 83          }
 84      }
 85  }
 87  void deleteData() {
 88      int id = searchData();
 89      cout << "\n\tYou want to delete record (y/n) : ";
 90      char choice;
 91      cin >> choice;
 92      if (choice == 'y') {
 93          Student student;
 94          ofstream tempFile;
 95          tempFile.open("temp.txt");
 96          ifstream read;
 97          read.open("student.txt");
 98          while (!read.eof()) {
 99              read >> student.id;
100              read.ignore();
101              getline(read, student.firstName);
102              read >> student.userName;
103              read >> student.password;
105              if (student.id != id) {
106                  tempFile << "\n" << student.id;
107                  tempFile << "\n" << student.firstName;
108                  tempFile << "\n" << student.userName;
109                  tempFile << "\n" << student.password;
110              }
111          }
112          read.close();
113          tempFile.close();
114          remove("student.txt");
115          rename("temp.txt", "student.txt");
116          cout << "\n\tData deleted successfuly";
117      }
118      else {
119          cout << "\n\tRecord not deleted";
120      }
121  }
123  void updateData() {
124      int id = searchData();
125      cout << "\n\tYou want to update record (y/n) : ";
126      char choice;
127      cin >> choice;
128      if (choice == 'y') {
129          Student newData;
130          cout << "\n\tEnter First Name : ";
131          cin.get();
132          getline(cin, newData.firstName);
133          cout << "\n\tEnter User Name : ";
134          cin >> newData.userName;
135          cout << "\n\tEnter Password : ";
136          cin >> newData.password;
138          Student student;
139          ofstream tempFile;
140          tempFile.open("temp.txt");
141          ifstream read;
142          read.open("student.txt");
143          while (!read.eof()) {
144              read >> student.id;
145              read.ignore();
146              getline(read, student.firstName);
147              read >> student.userName;
148              read >> student.password;
150              if (student.id != id) {
151                  tempFile << "\n" << student.id;
152                  tempFile << "\n" << student.firstName;
153                  tempFile << "\n" << student.userName;
154                  tempFile << "\n" << student.password;
156              }
157              else {
158                  tempFile << "\n"<< student.id;
159                  tempFile << "\n"<< newData.firstName;
160                  tempFile << "\n"<< newData.userName;
161                  tempFile << "\n" << newData.password;
163              }
164          }
165          read.close();
166          tempFile.close();
167          remove("student.txt");
168          rename("temp.txt", "student.txt");
169          cout << "\n\tData updated successfuly";
170      }
171      else {
172          cout << "\n\tRecord not deleted";
173      }
174  }
176  int main()
177  {
178      ifstream read;
179      read.open("id.txt");
180      if (!read.fail()) {
181          read >> ID;
182      }
183      else {
184          ID = 0;
185      }
186      read.close();
188      while (true) {
189          cout << "\n\t1.Add data";
190          cout << "\n\t2.See  data";
191          cout << "\n\t3.Search  data";
192          cout << "\n\t4.Delete data";
193          cout << "\n\t5.Update  data";
195          int choice;
196          cout << "\n\tEnter choice : ";
197          cin >> choice;
198          switch (choice) {
199          case 1:
200              addStudent();
201              break;
202          case 2:
203              readData();
204              break;
205          case 3:
206              searchData();
207              break;
208          case 4:
209              deleteData();
210              break;
211          case 5:
212              updateData();
213              break;
214          }
215      }
217  }

Solución 1

No es aleatorio, se lee del archivo:

 void readData() {
51      Student student;
52      ifstream read;
53      read.open("student.txt");
54      while (!read.eof()) {
55          read >> student.id;

Sólo cuando agrega un nuevo estudiante, establece un valor “nuevo”, ¡pero no verifica si ese valor ya se ha utilizado! Entonces, si lee los estudiantes existentes cuando comienza y luego agrega un nuevo estudiante, tendrá dos estudiantes con una identificación de cero (y muy posiblemente información relacionada en otros archivos que usan esa identificación para relacionar las calificaciones con los estudiantes, por ejemplo).

Debe encontrar la identificación existente más grande y agregar un estudiante con una identificación mayor que esa, en lugar de asumir que 0 es “considerable” como la siguiente identificación.

