Mi código deja de ejecutarse hasta que aparece la consulta “buscar flor rosa” y no continúa procesando el resto de las consultas en in.txt. Creo que el bucle se cierra debido a alguna otra condición en lugar de alcanzar el EOF, pero no estoy del todo seguro.
El otro problema es que no se envía nada al archivo out.txt que he creado. Esto puede deberse a las condiciones del EOF, pero no estoy del todo seguro.
Aquí está en.txt.
4 28 17 fish animal bird fruit animal cat 32 fish goldfish 20 animal dog 40 bird blackbird 10 animal bear 10 fruit mango 100 animal alligator 50 animal tiger 4 animal lion 2 fish swordfish 10 animal deer 5 animal cow 15 fish garfish 5 fish catfish 55 fish salmon 40 bird crow 21 bird dove 10 bird flamingo 15 fruit apple 50 fruit banana 50 fruit nectarine 10 fruit coconut 10 fruit peach 40 fruit apricot 30 fruit avocado 20 fruit cherry 100 fruit cranberry 100 animal horse 6 search fruit avocado search fish tilapia search animal cow search bird crow search bird cow search animal cat item_before animal deer height_balance animal height_balance bird height_balance fish search flower rose count animal count fruit search animal koala search animal cat count animal search fruit mango
Lo que he probado:
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; FILE *outfile; class itemNode{ public: char name [50]; int count; itemNode *left, *right; itemNode(){ name[0] = '\0'; count = 0; left = NULL; right = NULL; } itemNode(char itemName[], int population){ strcpy(name, itemName); count = population; left = NULL; right = NULL; } }; class treeNameNode{ public: char treeName[50]; treeNameNode *left, *right; itemNode *theTree; treeNameNode(){ treeName[0] = '\0'; theTree = NULL; left = NULL; right = NULL; } treeNameNode(char name[]){ strcpy(treeName, name); theTree = NULL; left = NULL; right = NULL; } }; // Inserts data from the file into the Name tree and returns the root of the Name tree treeNameNode* buildNameTree(FILE *infile, int N){ treeNameNode *root = NULL; char name[50]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ if(fscanf(infile, "%s", name) == EOF){ break; } treeNameNode *newNode = new treeNameNode(name); if(root == NULL){ root = newNode; } else{ treeNameNode *temp = root; treeNameNode *parent = NULL; while(temp != NULL){ parent = temp; if(strcmp(name, temp->treeName) > 0){ temp = temp->right; } else{ temp = temp->left; } } if(strcmp(name, parent->treeName) > 0){ parent->right = newNode; } else{ parent->left = newNode; } } } return root; } // Inserts a new name node into the Name tree and returns the root of the Name tree treeNameNode* insertNameNode(treeNameNode *root, treeNameNode *newNode){ if(root == NULL){ return newNode; } if(strcmp(newNode->treeName, root->treeName) > 0){ if(root->right != NULL){ root->right = insertNameNode(root->right, newNode); } else{ root->right = newNode; } } else{ if(root->left != NULL){ root->left = insertNameNode(root->left, newNode); } else{ root->left = newNode; } } return root; } // Inserts a new item node into the item tree and returns the root of the item tree itemNode* insertItemNode(itemNode *root, itemNode *newNode){ if(root == NULL){ return newNode; } if(strcmp(newNode->name, root->name) > 0){ if(root->right != NULL){ root->right = insertItemNode(root->right, newNode); } else{ root->right = newNode; } } else{ if(root->left != NULL){ root->left = insertItemNode(root->left, newNode); } else{ root->left = newNode; } } return root; } // Prints tree names from the Name tree by inorder traversal void printTreeNames(treeNameNode *root) { if (root != NULL) { printTreeNames(root->left); cout << root->treeName << " "; fprintf(outfile, "%s ", root->treeName); printTreeNames(root->right); } } // Helper function to traverse the item tree inorder and print the data of the item trees void traverse_itemTree(itemNode *root){ if(root != NULL){ traverse_itemTree(root->left); cout << root->name << " "; fprintf(outfile, "%s ", root->name); traverse_itemTree(root->right); } } // Takes the root of the Name Tree and prints the data of the Name Tree and the corresponding Item Trees void traverse_in_traverse(treeNameNode *root){ if(root != NULL){ traverse_in_traverse(root->left); cout << "\n***" << root->treeName << "***" << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\n***%s***", root->treeName); traverse_itemTree(root->theTree); traverse_in_traverse(root->right); } } // Takes a name string and searches this name in the name tree and returns that node treeNameNode* searchNameNode(treeNameNode *root, char treeName[50]){ if(root == NULL){ return NULL; } if(strcmp(root->treeName, treeName) == 0){ return root; } else if(strcmp(root->treeName, treeName) > 0){ return searchNameNode(root->left, treeName); } else{ return searchNameNode(root->right, treeName); } } // Takes a name string and searches this name in the item tree and returns that node itemNode* searchItemNode(itemNode *root, char itemName[50]){ if(root == NULL){ return NULL; } if(strcmp(root->name, itemName) == 0){ return root; } else if(strcmp(root->name, itemName) > 0){ return searchItemNode(root->left, itemName); } else{ return searchItemNode(root->right, itemName); } } // Helper function to count the number of items void countItems(itemNode *root, int *count){ if(root != NULL){ countItems(root->left, count); *count += root->count; countItems(root->right, count); } } // Prints the total number of items in a given tree void count(treeNameNode *root, char treeName[50]){ int count = 0; treeNameNode *temp = searchNameNode(root, treeName); countItems(temp->theTree, &count); cout << "\n" << treeName << " count " << count << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\n%s count %d\n", treeName, count); } // Searches for a particular item in a given tree and displays the count of the item if it is found // Otherwise, prints item not found // However, if the tree does not exist, then it prints tree does not exist void search(treeNameNode *root, char treeName[50], char itemName[50]){ treeNameNode *tree = searchNameNode(root, treeName); if(tree == NULL){ cout << "\n" << treeName << " does not exist" << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\n%s does not exist\n", treeName); } itemNode *item = searchItemNode(tree->theTree, itemName); if(item == NULL){ cout << "\n" << itemName << " not found in " << treeName << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\n%s not found in %s\n", itemName, treeName); } else{ cout << "\n" << item->count << " " << itemName << " found in " << treeName << endl; } } // Helper function to traverse the item tree and count the items before the given item void traverse_before(itemNode *root, char itemName[50], int *count){ if(root != NULL){ traverse_before(root->left, itemName, count); if(strcmp(root->name, itemName) < 0){ (*count)++; } traverse_before(root->right, itemName, count); } } // Counts the items in a given tree coming before a given item name void item_before(treeNameNode *root, char treeName[50], char itemName[50]){ int count = 0; treeNameNode *tree = searchNameNode(root, treeName); traverse_before(tree->theTree, itemName, &count); cout << "\nitem before " << itemName << ": " << count << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\nitem before %s: %d\n", itemName, count); } // Helper function to find the height of a given tree int height(itemNode *node){ if(node == NULL){ return 0; } int left = height(node->left); int right = height(node->right); return (left > right) ? left + 1 : right + 1; } // Finds whether a given tree is height balanced or not void height_balance(treeNameNode *root, char treeName[50]){ treeNameNode *tree = searchNameNode(root, treeName); int leftHeight = height(tree->theTree->left); int rightHeight = height(tree->theTree->right); int difference = abs(leftHeight - rightHeight); // If the difference is more than 1, then the tree is imbalanced if(difference > 1){ cout << "\n" << treeName << ": left height " << leftHeight << ", right height " << rightHeight << ", difference " << difference << ", not balanced" << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\n%s: left height %d, right height %d, difference %d, not balanced\n", treeName, leftHeight, rightHeight, difference); } // Otherwise, the tree is balanced else{ cout << "\n" << treeName << ": left height " << leftHeight << ", right height " << rightHeight << ", difference " << difference << ", balanced" << endl; fprintf(outfile, "\n%s: left height %d, right height %d, difference %d, balanced\n", treeName, leftHeight, rightHeight, difference); } } // Processes queries from the file and calls the appropriate functions void query(treeNameNode *root, FILE *infile, int Q){ for(int i = 0; i < Q; i++){ char query[50]; char treeName[50]; char itemName[50]; if(fscanf(infile, "%s", query) == EOF){ break; } if(strcmp(query, "search") == 0){ if(fscanf(infile, "%s %s", treeName, itemName) == EOF){ break; } search(root, treeName, itemName); } else if(strcmp(query, "item_before") == 0){ if(fscanf(infile, "%s %s", treeName, itemName) == EOF){ break; } item_before(root, treeName, itemName); } else if(strcmp(query, "height_balance") == 0){ if(fscanf(infile, "%s", treeName) == EOF){ break; } height_balance(root, treeName); } else if(strcmp(query, "count") == 0){ if(fscanf(infile, "%s", treeName) == EOF){ break; } count(root, treeName); } } } int main(){ FILE *infile = fopen("in.txt", "r"); outfile = fopen("out.txt", "w"); int N, I, Q; if(fscanf(infile, "%d %d %d", &N, &I, &Q) == EOF){ return 0; } treeNameNode *root = buildNameTree(infile, N); for(int i = 0; i < I; i++){ char treeName[50], itemName[50]; int population; if(fscanf(infile, "%s %s %d", treeName, itemName, &population) == EOF){ break; } itemNode *newNode = new itemNode(itemName, population); treeNameNode *tree = searchNameNode(root, treeName); tree->theTree = insertItemNode(tree->theTree, newNode); } printTreeNames(root); traverse_in_traverse(root); query(root, infile, Q); fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); }
Solución 1
Mira tu search
función. ¿Qué sucede cuando no se encuentra un artículo? Imprimes claramente el hecho de que el artículo no existe, pero ¿qué pasa entonces? Es posible que necesite una declaración de devolución en algún lugar o envolver parte de la función en un else