Modifikasi apa yang saya lakukan agar tidak mencetak none? (menggunakan daftar tertaut)


# Snake_ladder game using doubly linked list

class Empty(Exception):
    """ Error attempting to access an element from an empty container."""

class DoublyLinkedBase:
    """Queue implementation using circularly linked list for storage."""

    # -------------------------- nested Node class --------------------------
    class _Node:
        """ Lightweight, nonpublic class for storing a doubly linked node. """
        __slots__ = '_element', '_prev', '_next'  # streamline memory usage

        def __init__(self, element, prev, next):  # initialize node’s fields
            self._element = element  # reference to user’s element
            self._prev = prev  # previous node reference
            self._next = next  # next node reference

    # ------------------------------- methods -------------------------------

    def __init__(self):
        """ Create an empty list."""
        self._header = self._Node(None, None, None)
        self._trailer = self._Node(None, None, None)
        self._header._next = self._trailer  # trailer is after header
        self._trailer._prev = self._header  # header is before trailer
        self._size = 0  # number of elements

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of elements in the list."""
        return self._size

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if list is empty."""
        return self._size == 0

    def insert_between(self, e, predecessor, successor):
        """Add element e between two existing nodes and return new node."""
        newest = self._Node(e, predecessor, successor)  # linked to neighbors
        predecessor._next = newest
        successor._prev = newest
        self._size += 1
        return newest

    def delete_node(self, node):
        """ Delete nonsentinel node from the list and return its element."""
        predecessor = node._prev
        successor = node._next
        predecessor._next = successor
        successor._prev = predecessor
        self._size -= 1
        element = node._element  # record deleted element
        node._prev = node._next = node._element = None  # deprecate node
        return element  # return deleted element

    def display_board(self):
        current = self._header._next
        while current != self._trailer:
            print(current._element, end=" ")
            current = current._next

    def dice_roll_sequance(self, case):  # not a random sequance
        if case == 1:
            self._dice_seq = [1, 5, 3]  # 84
            print("case %d, ans = 84" % case)
        if case == 2:
            self._dice_seq = [4, 3, 6, 1]  # 38
            print("case %d, ans = 38" % case)
        if case == 3:
            self._dice_seq = [5, 2, 6, 6, 3, 6, 5, 5]  # 100 win
            print("case %d, ans = 100 win" % case)
        if case == 4:
            self._dice_seq = [5, 2, 6, 6, 3, 6, 5, 1]  # 61
            print("case %d, ans = 61 " % case)
        if case == 5:
            self._dice_seq = [5, 2, 6, 6, 3, 6, 5, 6]  # 95
            print("case %d, ans = 95" % case)
        if case == 6:
            self._dice_seq = [1]  # 38
            print("case %d, ans = 38" % case)
        if case == 7:
            self._dice_seq = [6, 1, 2]  # 5
            print("case %d, ans = 5" % case)
        if case == 8:
            self._dice_seq = [6, 1, 2, 3]  # 31
            print("case %d, ans = 31" % case)
        if case == 9:
            self._dice_seq = [1, 6, 6, 1, 6, 2]  # 99
            print("case %d, ans =99" % case)

    def inistialize_board(self):
        for i in range(1, 101):

            if i == 2:
                self.insert_last(i, 36)
            elif i == 8:
                self.insert_last(i, 23)
            elif i == 17:
                self.insert_last(i, 6)
            elif i == 21:
                self.insert_last(i, 21)
            elif i == 33:
                self.insert_last(i, -28)
            elif i == 46:
                self.insert_last(i, 38)
            elif i == 51:
                self.insert_last(i, 16)
            elif i == 54:
                self.insert_last(i, -20)
            elif i == 63:
                self.insert_last(i, -47)
            elif i == 69:
                self.insert_last(i, i + 2)
            elif i == 71:
                self.insert_last(i, 20)
            elif i == 75:
                self.insert_last(i, 5)
            elif i == 80:
                self.insert_last(i, 19)
            elif i == 93:
                self.insert_last(i, -19)
            elif i == 96:
                self.insert_last(i, 1)
            elif i == 97:
                self.insert_last(i, -36)
                self.insert_last(i, 0)

    def move_(self):
      current = self._header or self._trailer
      if current is not None:
          for roll in self._dice_seq:
              for _ in range(roll):
                  if current._next is not None and current._next._element is not None and current._next != self._trailer:
                      current = current._next
                      print("Moved to square", current._element)
          if current is not None and current != self._trailer:
              self._header = current
              print("Current position:", current._element)
              print("Current position: None")
          print("Current position: None")

    def check_win(self):
        return self._header._element == 100

    # Add this method inside the DoublyLinkedBase class

    def insert_last(self, square_id, move_shift):
        current = self._header._next
        while current:
            if current._element == square_id:
                current._element += move_shift
                # Ensure the circular behavior
                if current._element > 100:
                    current._element = 200 - current._element
                print("Moved to square", current._element)
                self._header = current  
            current = current._next

# Main dirver

dl = DoublyLinkedBase()



for i in range(1, 10):

Apa yang saya coba:

Modifikasi apa yang saya lakukan agar tidak mencetak apa pun? (daftar tertaut kode)
hasil :

Current position: None
case 1, ans = 84
Current position: None
case 2, ans = 38
Current position: None
case 3, ans = 100 win
Current position: None
case 4, ans = 61 
Current position: None
case 5, ans = 95
Current position: None
case 6, ans = 38
Current position: None
case 7, ans = 5
Current position: None
case 8, ans = 31
Current position: None
case 9, ans =99

Solusi 1

Pertama, mulailah dengan mencari tahu di mana ia mencetak “Posisi saat ini: Tidak Ada” – ada dua tempat yang secara eksplisit mencetaknya, dan satu tempat yang dapat mencetaknya jika penilai current._element dulu None. Anda dapat menggunakan debugger untuk menelusuri kode Anda dan mengetahuinya: pdb — Debugger Python — dokumentasi Python 3.12.1[^] akan membantu jika Anda tidak tahu cara menggunakannya.

Kemudian lihat mengapa sampai pada posisi tersebut, jalur apa yang harus diikuti dan mengapa. Apa yang menyebabkannya menjadi seperti itu? Variabel apa yang tidak mempunyai nilai yang diharapkan? Apa tujuan mereka; apa yang harus dikandungnya? Di mana seharusnya benda-benda tersebut dipasang? Mengapa tidak?

Ketika Anda mengetahui semua itu, seharusnya cukup jelas bagi pembuat kode tersebut (yaitu Anda) apa masalahnya dan Anda harus dapat memperbaikinya.

Namun menjalankan kode Anda dengan benar adalah bagian besar dari sebuah tugas, dan Anda tidak akan belajar cara memperbaiki kode yang rumit sampai Anda dapat memperbaiki kode sederhana seperti ini!

