我想制作一个小程序来检查登录用户远程连接到哪台计算机,无论是 c#、java 脚本还是 vbscript。
我的意思是,如果我检查已安装的程序 B,我会得到安装它的登录用户的计算机名称。
如果没有关于您的应用程序的任何信息,我只能假设您想要运行外部程序并查找任何连接的计算机的 DNS 名称。 我将完成我将采取的步骤:
首先,我使用命令行参数“-a”启动进程“netstat”。 重定向输出以便您可以阅读它:
Process netStat = new Process(); netStat.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; netStat.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; netStat.StartInfo.FileName = "netstat"; netStat.StartInfo.Arguments ="-a"; netStat.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; netStat.Start(); //Can take several seconds to execute, good use for BackgroundWorker string output = netStat.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
现在您已拥有连接到计算机的所有内容(输入和输出)的数据。 您可以在控制台窗口中运行 netstat 命令来查看输出。 然后,您可以按行拆分以获取每个条目,然后再次按选项卡拆分以获取每个列。 您对第三列感兴趣,其中包含计算机名称:端口或 IP 地址:端口(如果无法确定名称)。
你好 :)
不是我的代码,只是针对 x64 版本进行了修改(也许对多年后的某人有帮助)。 仅用于获取当前 RDP(远程桌面)客户端主机名。
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub WTSFreeMemory Lib "wtsapi32.dll" (ByVal pMemory As Any) Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongLong) Private Declare PtrSafe Function WTSQuerySessionInformationA Lib "wtsapi32.dll" (ByVal hServer As LongLong, ByVal sessionId As LongLong, ByVal wtsInfoClass As LongLong, ByRef pBuffer As LongLong, ByRef dwSize As LongLong) As LongLong Public Function GetMachinenameofCurrentSession() As String Dim RetVal As LongLong 'Return Value of API Call Dim lpBuffer As LongLong 'Buffer to Hold Info Returned Dim Count As LongLong 'Length of Buffer info Dim MachineName As String 'If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value. 'If the function fails, the return value is zero. 'To get extended error information, call GetLastError API. RetVal = WTSQuerySessionInformationA(WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, _ WTS_CURRENT_SESSION, _ WTSClientName, _ lpBuffer, _ Count) MachineName = GetStringFromLP(lpBuffer) WTSFreeMemory lpBuffer 'Free the memory used by the buffer. GetMachinenameofCurrentSession = MachineName End Function Private Function GetStringFromLP(ByVal StrPtr As LongLong) As String Dim b As Byte Dim tempStr As String Dim bufferStr As String Dim Done As Boolean Done = False Do ' Get the byte/character that StrPtr is pointing to. CopyMemory b, ByVal StrPtr, 1 If b = 0 Then ' If you've found a null character, Done = True Else tempStr = Chr$(b) bufferStr = bufferStr & tempStr 'Add it to the string StrPtr = StrPtr + 1 ' Increment the pointer to next End If Loop Until Done GetStringFromLP = bufferStr End Function