你好 ,
— 使用jquery从文本框中找出文本..如$(‘#txtBox’).text()
— 然后创建选项列表的Html标签。 您需要创建通用的 jquery 函数,该函数采用文本框值并将创建以下元素。 下拉值显示为选项列表。 因此,您可以按如下方式创建 html 标签。
使用浏览器开发人员工具确保下拉的标签显示值。 取决于上面标签的更改。
— 创建此元素后,您只需使用 jquery 将其附加到 DropDown 选项列表。
— 软件开发工具包
<script type="text/javascript"> var controlIdCounter = 1; function AddMoreVariant(controlIdCounter) { if (controlIdCounter === undefined || controlIdCounter === null) { // controlIdCounter = 1; var sapCode = $("#txtSAPCODE").val(); var Variant_UnitID = $("#<%= ddlvariantUnit.ClientID %> option:selected").val(); var Variant_Unit_Name = $("#<%= ddlvariantUnit.ClientID %> option:selected").text(); var Variant_SizeID = $("#<%= ddlvariant_weight.ClientID %> option:selected").val(); var Variant_Weight = $("#<%= ddlvariant_weight.ClientID %> option:selected").text(); var Variant_MRP = $("#<%= VariantMRP.ClientID %>").val(); var Variant_SellingPrice = $("#<%= variantSelling_Price.ClientID %>").val(); } else { var sapCode = $("#txtSAPCODE").val(); var Variant_UnitID = $("#ddlvariantUnit" + controlIdCounter + " option:selected").val(); var Variant_Unit_Name = $("#ddlvariantUnit" + controlIdCounter + " option:selected").text(); var Variant_SizeID = $("#ddlvariant_weight" + controlIdCounter + " option:selected").val(); var Variant_Weight = $("#ddlvariant_weight" + controlIdCounter + " option:selected").text(); var Variant_MRP = $("#VariantMRP" + controlIdCounter).val(); var Variant_SellingPrice = $("#variantSelling_Price" + controlIdCounter).val(); } if (sapCode !== "" && Variant_UnitID !== "" && Variant_SizeID !== "" && Variant_MRP !== "" && Variant_SellingPrice !== "") { var data = { sapCode: sapCode, Variant_UnitID: Variant_UnitID, Variant_Unit_Name: Variant_Unit_Name, Variant_SizeID: Variant_SizeID, Variant_Weight: Variant_Weight, Variant_MRP: Variant_MRP, Variant_SellingPrice: Variant_SellingPrice }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "AddNewProduct.aspx/AddMoreVariant", data: JSON.stringify({ variant: data }), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (response) { if (response.d === "Success") { console.log("Data has been inserted"); $("#checkbox" + controlIdCounter).removeAttr("style").prop("checked", true).prop("disabled", true).css({ "width": "48px", "height": "37px" }); $("#checkbox").removeAttr("style").prop("checked", true).prop("disabled", true).css({ "width": "48px", "height": "37px" }); //$("#checkbox" + controlIdCounter).show().prop('checked', true); } else if (response.d === "Fail") { Swal.fire('Error', 'This variant is already available!', 'error'); } else { Swal.fire('Error', 'Failed to insert data. Please try again.', 'error'); } }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { console.error("Error inserting data: " + error); } }); } else { Swal.fire('Error', 'Please fill in all fields for this variant.', 'error'); } } //Insert Functionality into DB row wise function AppendVariant() { if ($("#txtSAPCODE").val() === "") { Swal.fire('Error', 'Please fill SapCode!', 'error'); return false; } var sapCode = $("#txtSAPCODE").val().trim(); var VUnit = $("#ddlvariantUnit option:selected").val().trim(); var Vweight = $("#ddlvariant_weight option:selected").val().trim(); var VMrp = parseFloat($("#VariantMRP").val().trim()); var VsellingPrice = parseFloat($("#variantSelling_Price").val().trim()); if (sapCode.length !== 7) { Swal.fire('Error', 'SAP Code should be exactly 7 digits!', 'error'); return false; } if (VUnit === "" && Vweight === "" && VMrp === "" && VsellingPrice === "") { Swal.fire('Error', 'Please fill in all variant fields before appending more variants!', 'error'); return false; } if (isNaN(VsellingPrice) || isNaN(VMrp)) { Swal.fire('Error', 'Please enter valid numeric values for Selling Price and MRP!', 'error'); return false; } if (VsellingPrice > VMrp) { Swal.fire('Error', 'Selling Price should not be greater than MRP!', 'error'); return false; } if (parseFloat($("#variantSelling_Price").val()) > parseFloat($("#VariantMRP").val())) { Swal.fire('Error', 'Selling Price should not be greater than MRP!', 'error'); return false; } var newRow = $("<tr>"); newRow.append("<td>Unit</td>"); newRow.append('<td><select class="form-control arrows AppendddlvariantUnit" id="ddlvariantUnit' + controlIdCounter + '" style="width: 150px; top: 0px; left: 0px;"></select></td>'); newRow.append("<td>Weight</td>"); newRow.append('<td style="padding-left: 60px;"><select class="form-control arrows Appendddlvariant_weight" id="ddlvariant_weight' + controlIdCounter + '" style="width: 150px;"></select></td>'); newRow.append("<td>MRP</td>"); newRow.append('<td><input type="text" class="form-control" id="VariantMRP' + controlIdCounter + '" style="width: 150px;" onkeypress="return ValidateCharector(event)"></td>'); newRow.append("<td>Selling Price</td>"); newRow.append('<td style="padding-left: 25px;"><input type="text" class="form-control" id="variantSelling_Price' + controlIdCounter + '" style="width: 150px;" onblur="ValidatePrice();" onkeypress="return ValidateCharector(event)"></td>'); newRow.append('<td><input type="button" value="Save" class="AddButton" onclick="AddMoreVariant(' + controlIdCounter + ');" /></td>'); newRow.append('<td><input type="button" value="Remove" id="Remove" class="Reset" onclick="RemoveVariantfromDb(' + controlIdCounter + ');" /></td>'); //newRow.append('<td><input type="button" value="Remove" class="Reset" onclick="RemoveVariantfromDb(' + controlIdCounter + ');" /></td>'); newRow.append('<td><input type="checkbox" id="checkbox' + controlIdCounter + '" style="display: none; width:30px" /></td>'); // newRow.append('<td><input type="button" value="Remove" id="Remove" class="Reset" onclick="removeRowVariant(this);RemoveVariantfromDb(' + controlIdCounter + ');" /></td>'); $("#tableBody").append(newRow); if (parseFloat($("#variantSelling_Price" + controlIdCounter).val()) > parseFloat($("#VariantMRP" + controlIdCounter).val())) { Swal.fire('Error', 'Selling Price should not be greater than MRP!', 'error'); return false; } if ($("#ddlvariantUnit" + controlIdCounter).val() === "" && $("#ddlvariant_weight" + controlIdCounter).val() === "" && $("#VariantMRP" + controlIdCounter).val() === "" && $("#variantSelling_Price" + controlIdCounter).val() === "") { Swal.fire('Error', 'Please fill in all variant fields before appending more variants!', 'error'); return false; } // AJAX call to fetch dropdown data $.ajax({ url: 'AddNewProduct.aspx/GetDropdownData', method: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { var dropdownData = data.d; var unitDropdown = $("#ddlvariantUnit" + controlIdCounter); $.each(dropdownData.units, function (index, item) { unitDropdown.append($('<option>', { value: item.UnitID1, text: item.UnitName1 })); }); var weightDropdown = $("#ddlvariant_weight" + controlIdCounter); // Function to populate weights based on the selected unit function populateWeights(unitId) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "AddNewProduct.aspx/GetWeightsByUnitId", data: JSON.stringify({ unitId: unitId }), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (response) { // Clear existing options weightDropdown.empty(); // Populate weight dropdown with the fetched weights $.each(response.d, function (index, item) { weightDropdown.append($('<option>', { value: item.SizeID, text: item.Wiegit })); }); }, error: function () { alert('Failed to fetch dropdown data!'); } }); } unitDropdown.change(function () { // Get the selected unit ID var unitId = $(this).val(); // Populate weights based on the selected unit populateWeights(unitId); }); controlIdCounter++; }, error: function () { alert('Failed to fetch dropdown data!'); } }); } //Remove function RemoveVariantfromDb(controlIdCounter) { var confirmation = confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this Variant?"); if (!confirmation) { return; } var sapCode = $("#txtSAPCODE").val(); var variantId, Weight, MRP, sellingPrice; // Check controlIdCounter to determine where to get values from if (controlIdCounter === undefined || controlIdCounter === null) { variantId = parseInt($("#<%= ddlvariantUnit.ClientID %> option:selected").val()); Weight = parseInt($("#<%= ddlvariant_weight.ClientID %> option:selected").val()); MRP = parseFloat($("#<%= ddlvariant_weight.ClientID %> option:selected").val()); sellingPrice = parseFloat($("#<%= ddlvariant_weight.ClientID %> option:selected").val()); } else { variantId = parseInt($("#ddlvariantUnit" + controlIdCounter).val()); Weight = parseInt($("#ddlvariant_weight" + controlIdCounter).val()); MRP = parseFloat($("#VariantMRP" + controlIdCounter).val()); sellingPrice = parseFloat($("#variantSelling_Price" + controlIdCounter).val()); } // Check if all variants values are available if (sapCode && !isNaN(variantId) && !isNaN(Weight) && !isNaN(MRP) && !isNaN(sellingPrice)) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "AddNewProduct.aspx/RemoveVariantFromDB", data: JSON.stringify({ sapcode: sapCode, variantId: variantId, Weight: Weight, MRP: MRP, sellingPrice: sellingPrice }), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (response) { debugger; if (response.d === "Success") { $("#checkbox" + controlIdCounter).hide(); $("#tableBody").find("tr[data-controlid='" + controlIdCounter + "']").remove(); console.log("Data has been removed" + controlIdCounter); } else { $("#checkbox" + controlIdCounter).hide(); $("#tableBody" + controlIdCounter).remove(); $("#tableBody").find("tr[data-controlid='" + controlIdCounter + "']").remove(); //$("#tableBody" + controlIdCounter).remove(); console.log("Data Not Inserted" + controlIdCounter); } }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { console.error("Error removing data: " + error); } }); } else { console.error("Variant data is incomplete or not found"); } } </script>