但是当与 Zlib 结合使用时,它会压缩..
请参阅 compress_loop()
if 将最后一个十六进制数字放入输出,并将余数进位到下一个输入数字。
引用:源代码是用 FreeBasic 编写的
Declare Function compress_loop( chrs as string ) as string Declare Function decompress_loop( chrs as string ) as string screen 19 '===================================================================== '===================================================================== 'start program '===================================================================== '===================================================================== dim as double time1 , time2 , time3 , time4 do randomize dim as string s = "" For n As Long = 1 To 8 s+=chr(Int(Rnd*256)) Next time1=timer 'begin compress dim as string comp = s 'do ' dim as longint chk = len(comp) - 1 ' comp = compress_loop(comp) ' if len(comp) >= chk then exit do 'loop for a as longint = 1 to 1 step 1 comp = compress_loop(comp) next 'end compress time2 = timer time3=timer 'begin decompress dim as string final_out = comp for a as longint = 1 to 1 step 1 final_out = decompress_loop(final_out) next 'end decompress time4 = timer 'sleep 'cls 'draw string( 0,10) , left(s,100) 'draw string( 0,30) , left(final_out,100) print string(99,"=") print "inp = " ; (s) print string(99,"=") print "out = " ; (final_out) print print "compress time = "; time2-time1 print "decompress time = "; time4-time3 print if s = final_out then print "Decompressed OK" else print "Decompression failed." print string(99,"=") sleep loop until inkey = chr(27) sleep end '=============================================================================== '=============================================================================== 'compress '=============================================================================== '=============================================================================== Function compress_loop( chrs as string ) as string print "c inp = " ; len(chrs) dim as string bits = "" dim as string zeros = string( 2 , "0" ) dim as string n1 dim as ubyte ptr usp = cptr( ubyte ptr , strptr( chrs ) ) for a as longint = 1 to len( chrs ) step 1 n1 = zeros + hex( *usp ) : usp+= 1 n1 = right( n1 , 2 ) bits+= n1 next print "c bin = " ; len(bits) , bits dim as string outs1 = string( len( bits ) , "0" ) dim as string s1 , s2 , s3 dim as longint v1 , v2 , carry zeros = "000" for a as longint = len( bits ) to 1 step - 1 's1 = str( ( val( "&H" + mid( bits , a , 1 ) ) ^ 2 ) + carry ) : carry = 0 's2 = right( "000" + hex( val( s1 ) ) , 3 ) v1 = bits[ a - 1 ] if v1 = 48 then v2 = 000 + carry : goto done if v1 = 49 then v2 = 001 + carry : goto done if v1 = 50 then v2 = 004 + carry : goto done if v1 = 51 then v2 = 009 + carry : goto done if v1 = 52 then v2 = 016 + carry : goto done if v1 = 53 then v2 = 025 + carry : goto done if v1 = 54 then v2 = 036 + carry : goto done if v1 = 55 then v2 = 049 + carry : goto done if v1 = 56 then v2 = 064 + carry : goto done if v1 = 57 then v2 = 081 + carry : goto done if v1 = 65 then v2 = 100 + carry : goto done if v1 = 66 then v2 = 121 + carry : goto done if v1 = 67 then v2 = 144 + carry : goto done if v1 = 68 then v2 = 169 + carry : goto done if v1 = 69 then v2 = 196 + carry : goto done if v1 = 70 then v2 = 225 + carry : goto done done: carry = 0 s2 = zeros + hex( v2 ) s2 = right( s2 , 3 ) carry = val( "&H" + left( s2 , 2 ) ) s3 = right( s2 , 1 ) outs1[ a - 1 ] = s3[ 0 ] 'print v1 , s2 , s3 ', outs1 'sleep 'if inkey = " " then end next if carry > 0 then outs1 = hex( carry ) + outs1 print "c out = " ; len( outs1 ) , outs1 dim as ubyte count = 0 if len( outs1 ) mod 2 = 1 then outs1+= "0" : count = 1 dim as string final = "" for a as longint = 1 to len( outs1 ) step 2 final+= chr( val( "&H" + mid( outs1 , a , 2 ) ) ) next final = chr( count ) + final print "c fin = " ; len(final) return final end function '=============================================================================== '============================================================================ Function decompress_loop( chrs as string ) as string print "dc inp = " ; len(chrs) dim as ubyte count = asc( left( chrs , 1 ) ) chrs = mid( chrs , 2 ) dim as string bits = "" dim as string zeros = string( 2 , "0" ) dim as string n1 dim as ubyte ptr usp = cptr( ubyte ptr , strptr( chrs ) ) for a as longint = 1 to len( chrs ) step 1 n1 = zeros + hex( *usp ) : usp+= 1 n1 = right( n1 , 2 ) bits+= n1 next bits = left( bits , len( bits ) - count ) print "d bin = " ; len(bits) , bits return chrs end function
不,事情并不是这样的。 我们不会为您对大量代码进行逆向工程 – 这要么是您的工作并且您会因此获得报酬,要么它是您作业的一部分,这对您、您的同学或您的未来不公平雇主。
如果你想让别人写你的代码,你就必须付费——我建议你去 Freelancer.com 并在那里询问。
但请注意:一分钱一分货。 付花生钱,得到猴子。
“发展”的理念顾名思义:“系统地运用科学技术知识来满足特定的目标或要求”。 商业词典网[^]
因此,要么花钱请人来做,要么学习如何自己编写。 我们不是来为你做这件事的。
也许你可以在这里尝试 Zlib 示例: fbc/zlib.bas at master · freebasic/fbc · GitHub[^]
def 压缩(原始文本):
如果 previous_char == 字符: